where to sidemount dive

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I am in the progress of changing over to sidemount. Feb. i am spending a week in Cuba for lession and practice, I have read the odd comment that a lot of places are not set up to handle sidemount diving, crew doesn't know how to handle your equipment, hard boat entry, etc. My question is where to go in the Caribbean that deals alot with sidemount divers,,, Thanks
I am in the progress of changing over to sidemount. Feb. i am spending a week in Cuba for lession and practice, I have read the odd comment that a lot of places are not set up to handle sidemount diving, crew doesn't know how to handle your equipment, hard boat entry, etc. My question is where to go in the Caribbean that deals alot with sidemount divers,,, Thanks
Mexican Cenotes.
Go to Tulum Mexico. Go a first class shop and take the Sidemount cert and a Cavern cert. They live and dive sidemount, and the Cavern course will change you as a diver.
I know this isn't what your asking for help with... But what i have suggested with be great money to spend.
Need suggestions for shops? Send me a PM and I will give you three great shops.
I am in the progress of changing over to sidemount. Feb. i am spending a week in Cuba for lession and practice, I have read the odd comment that a lot of places are not set up to handle sidemount diving, crew doesn't know how to handle your equipment, hard boat entry, etc. My question is where to go in the Caribbean that deals alot with sidemount divers,,, Thanks
Mexican Cenotes.
I have done 4 of the cenotes, as a back mount diver.. really thought it was cool. Im first hoping to take some tec courses and ship penatration
I dive sidemount all over the Caribbean. Belize, St Lucia, St Maarten, St Thomas, St Croix, St Kitts, Antigua, Barbados, Puerto Rico, Mona Island, The Bahamas. All the dive ops were quite willing to rent me 2 tanks per dive.

Prior to doing sidemount on trips, I did quite a bit of practice diving with 2 right-hand yoke-only valve AL80's. I have my own yoke to din adapters. It's not the dive crew that needs to know how to handle your equipment. You do.

As for boat entry, you need to work out what is effective for you. Fortunately for myself, I can climb a boat ladder with a pair of tanks, even in cold water - in excess of 100lbs of gear.

You also need to work out how you will get from your gear station to the entry and back again carrying everything. I find it easier to don fins in the water so I'm not trying to walk wearing them on deck while overloaded.

It is very important to communicate before the dive that for a two-tank dive, you will be renting FOUR tanks. Also communicate to the dive crew that you wish to rig your tanks early. And between dives, no snacks or drinks before re-rigging. If you get delayed in getting ready for the dive, you may well have to sit out the dive rather than make everyone wait for you.
I have done 4 of the cenotes, as a back mount diver.. really thought it was cool. Im first hoping to take some tec courses and ship penatration
I would highly recommend you go back to the Cenotes and take the cavern course in sidemount. It is by far the best class I took so far. The skills you practice will help with any tec course. I've not done ship penetration but I guess there's some overlap with cavern.
Have fun!
I would highly recommend you go back to the Cenotes and take the cavern course in sidemount. It is by far the best class I took so far. The skills you practice will help with any tec course. I've not done ship penetration but I guess there's some overlap with cavern.
Have fun!
Even since my last posting I have been looking at the best way to go.. seems cavern courses first is the way

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