@NothingClever @stiebs
Thanks both for the feedback, really useful and extremely appreciated.
I'm not sure if I should hijack this thread for feedback, if more feedback is required then maybe I should create a special thread for Abysner feedback.
Anyhow I distilled 2 things out of the feedback:
1. “loss of gas” vs “out of air” vs "emergency gas"
This is a very interesting discussion point. What "out of air" means right now in the app is essentially how much gas you would need (for each different mix) to get a panicked diver that lost all gas to the surface. In a real world situation you probably don't lose all gas, but at least this shows you how much you would need from a specific mix in case that mix was lost. This makes some assumptions: 1. The diver has lost all gas, 2. Diver stays in panic mode all the way up, 3. Assumes worst possible point during the dive.
I get why "loss of gas" is more inline with the technical diver, as it kinda points more towards a equipment failure, on the other hand I also like "emergency gas". I'm also considering adding a cool-down setting to the 'panic mode', because a diver may not stay a panicked diver for the rest of the dive.
Let me know what term you think would be best for this.
2. The pie-chart
This is basically a relic from the first proof-of-concept that I made, and it stayed in the app
(the order is basically first base gas usage ordered by liters, then emergency gas ordered by usage in liters). I'm very much aware that a pie chart is not the best way to present data, and I'm in favor of changing this to something more useful. I was actually thinking about a horizontal stacked bar chart where each bar represents a cylinder: It would then show the total gas available in the cylinder (based on real gas calculations) as well as the gas required for the dive, and extra gas for an emergency situation. I added a quick spreadsheet mockup.
Maybe instead of a stacked bar chart: it would instead just a bar, with markers on it for 'base' and 'emergency' usage, and in case of too much gas consumption the marker would be outside of the bar (to the right)
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