My wife and I did a trial of the Paragon S mask and it felt great - no fogging, flooding, etc, so I went ahead and bought one for each of us. Now, I am in Sipadan on a dive trip and my mask has been a constant mess - leaking so much that I have had to clear my mask every minute or so. After 3 days of enduring this, I switched to a buddy's mask and am able to enjoy my dives again. Strange thing is that my wife has no issue with her mask at all, so we swapped our masks on one of the dives and well, it confirmed my suspicion that it wasn't me - the mask was leaking non stop for her too and her mask which I used for that dive was perfect, no issues at all.
The leak happens below the nose (around my lips). I can feel a difference between my mask and my wife's mask when I try it on.
Her mask is white in color is supposedly from an older batch while mine is black and from a newer batch (packaging, etc was different and the retailer confirmed that they were from different batches). Other than that, they are the exact same model. How do I go about letting Tusa know of the issue and what sort of resolution should I expect, if any, at all? Clearly there is an issue with my mask, likely this issue exists with all masks manufactured in that batch, but how do I convince Tusa of this?
Edit: want to add that I am clean shaven, so there should be no issues due to facial hair
The leak happens below the nose (around my lips). I can feel a difference between my mask and my wife's mask when I try it on.
Her mask is white in color is supposedly from an older batch while mine is black and from a newer batch (packaging, etc was different and the retailer confirmed that they were from different batches). Other than that, they are the exact same model. How do I go about letting Tusa know of the issue and what sort of resolution should I expect, if any, at all? Clearly there is an issue with my mask, likely this issue exists with all masks manufactured in that batch, but how do I convince Tusa of this?
Edit: want to add that I am clean shaven, so there should be no issues due to facial hair