Sidemount upside down help!

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Moonshine Bee

Reaction score
Amelia Island, FL
I'm diving sidemount with a modified XDeep harness with tank attachments to the spine strap (to make room for stages on the waist). I dive LP85s. My problem is that when I swim upside down (chest to surface), my steels hang. Any thoughts on a specific seatbelt configuation to keep the tanks tight to my body? Thanks.

Я ныряю сайдмаунтом с модифицированной подвеской XDeep с креплением баллонов к спинному ремню (чтобы освободить место для ступеней на талии). Я ныряю с LP85. Моя проблема в том, что когда я плаваю вверх ногами (грудь к поверхности), мои стальные ремни висят. Есть мысли по поводу особой конфигурации ремня безопасности, чтобы баллоны были плотно прижаты к моему телу? Спасибо.

Вам понадобится треугольник для крепления баллона к поясному ремню. Посмотрите видео Томаса Михура
I'm diving sidemount with a modified XDeep harness with tank attachments to the spine strap (to make room for stages on the waist). I dive LP85s. My problem is that when I swim upside down (chest to surface), my steels hang. Any thoughts on a specific seatbelt configuation to keep the tanks tight to my body? Thanks.

First time I read about xDeep divers attaching tanks to spine strap. Did you try using the drop D-rings? That works for my LP85s.
Stages bungeed to the drop Ds, primary tanks clipped to the hip rings. Primary bands are such that there is an upward (toward the valve) pull in addition to the rotation imparted by the primary bungees. This minimizes the "flop" pretty well for me.
Sliding D rings for fairly neutral tanks like LP85s and cross clip the stages to the drop D.
But really how far are you swimming on your back?
I'm diving sidemount with a modified XDeep harness with tank attachments to the spine strap (to make room for stages on the waist). I dive LP85s. My problem is that when I swim upside down (chest to surface), my steels hang. Any thoughts on a specific seatbelt configuation to keep the tanks tight to my body? Thanks.

Can you paste a picture of this attachment and ideally one of you in the water? Bonus points for a top down image of one of your cylinders such that we can see the valve type and orientation of the boltsnap
  • Brilliant!
Reactions: L13
Thanks to you, my good friends here who replied. To respond: Yes, excellent idea to get out of the car first! No, I want to keep my drop Ds clear. Finally, EXCELLENT video and suggestion. Double end bolt snaps to the waist Ds is just what I needed. Franky, I did not expect an answer here, but I am delighted to learn just what I needed.

I know, swimming upside down should be rare; but I enjoy the change in scenery and it can help when there's more purchase to pull and drag on the ceiling than on the floor.

Thank you, all. Very much appreciated.

Thanks to you, my good friends here who replied. To respond: Yes, excellent idea to get out of the car first! No, I want to keep my drop Ds clear. Finally, EXCELLENT video and suggestion. Double end bolt snaps to the waist Ds is just what I needed. Franky, I did not expect an answer here, but I am delighted to learn just what I needed.

I know, swimming upside down should be rare; but I enjoy the change in scenery and it can help when there's more purchase to pull and drag on the ceiling than on the floor.

Thank you, all. Very much appreciated.

I’m certainly wrong sometimes, but whoever taught you like this shouldn’t be teaching or is otherwise clueless.
I’m certainly wrong sometimes, but whoever taught you like this shouldn’t be teaching or is otherwise clueless.
I understand the traditional cylinder and stage attachment method; and I appreciate your strong opinion. However, please don't insult a 30+ year cave diving veteran and respected training director for America's oldest cave diving organization. Let's discuss pro's and con's, and all improve, instead. Right?

That's said, it's definitely different and a little weird, the spine attachment. I'm not a disciple (which is why I posted here), but it does free up a lot of space. And I'm glad to ditch the way-overbuilt XDeep harness, in place of webbing alone.

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