Info DGX 700 vs DGX 1000-6 vs BigBlue VTL9000P Max

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Seeking the Light
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Scuba Instructor
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Lexington, SC
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500 - 999
I shot a quick video to compare these lights in the water yesterday.

All were fully charged and on their brightest setting.

The DGX 700 is claimed to put out 700 lumens in an 8 degree beam.

The DGX 1000-6 claims 2000 lumens in a 6 degree beam.

The VTL9000P Max claims 2900 lumens in a 10 degree beam.

DGX lights are looking pretty good, the tight beam is nice when there is a lot of “stuff” in the water.
Like that tight beam on the 1000-6. That would be great for the soup around here.

Our visual perception is logarithmic, and a factor of 4x in spot brightness (in lux = lumen per sq. meter) feels about "twice as bright" or 100% brighter.

Those lights at 3 m distance are 5.1, 25.8, and 13.4 kilolux (based on lumens and beam angle, and the relative ratios hold for any distance). Relative to the dimmest (DGX700), the others appear to be 117% and 70% brighter. Relative to the VTL, the DGX1000 appears 47% brighter, which is not insignificant.

Reflection by close particulates in the water will also cause our pupils to narrow, making the distant spot appear dimmer than otherwise. This is partly why narrow beams are more useful in such conditions. I doubt this comes across as much in the video compared to in person.

Nice test, thanks for taking the time.
First, let me state what is probably obvious: 2900 lumens in a 10 degree beam should probably not be expected to look as bright as 2000 lumens in a 6 degree beam. For reasons @inquis explained.

The BB light did not appear as bright in person or in the video, but the area of the wreck that it illuminated was bigger than the area illuminated by the 1000-6.

So, I would not draw any conclusions regarding the specific output. Maybe the 1000-6 really is 2000 lumens and maybe the BB really is 2900 lumens.

Moving on....

My in-person impressions matched what I see in the video.

Clearly, the 700 is way over-matched and I only included it as a baseline for comparison. I think the 700 is a really good light. Perfect as a backup. Twist on (no accidental turn-ons) and more compact than either of the other two. And it really is bright - just not as bright as the other two. The 700 will continue to be my backup at all times and still be my "primary" in some situations - i.e. recreational dives where I probably won't use a light at all other than if I want to look under a ledge or something.

The 1000-6 beam is SO tight! The BB beam was obviously wider and also appears to have noticeably wider spill (the lesser amount of light around the spot beam).

In turbid water - like I was recording in - I think the 1000-6 is far preferable. The really tight beam penetrates better and puts more light on whatever you shine it on. But, the spot is clearly smaller than the spot from the BB, so the DGX makes a smaller, easier to see subject and the BB makes a bigger, not-as-bright subject.

The wider spill of the BB really showed what a drawback it is in that turbid water. It was noticeably harder to see past the glare from backscatter from all the particulate, when using the BB. The spill of the 1000-6 was much tighter, created much less glare from backscatter, and thus made it easier to see the actual wreck I was shining the light on.

In super clear water, I think the BB might be preferable - at least to some folks. With no concern for glare from backscatter, the bigger illuminated area might be more desireable.

Another Pro for the BB light is the versatility. I took it with me to Truk a few weeks ago. I did several dives using it as my primary during wreck penetrations, while I was also swimming with my GoPro. Several times, I saw something I wanted shoot video of. Being able to switch the BB into the 9000 lumen flood beam mode allowed me to get some pretty decent video clips. Obviously, the DGX lights are no good for that kind of scenario - they will just give a video with a bunch of dark areas and one blown-out hot spot.

And then there is also price to consider:

DGX700 - $79
DGX1000-6 - $89
VTL9000P Max - $890 (!!! Yes! 800 and 90 dollars!!)

Regarding push buttons: I really don't like them. I get accidental turn-ons way too often. I was really hoping the 1000-6 would have some kind of design detail that makes it not be that way. But, I got back on the boat this weekend after one dive, with the 1000-6 clipped to my right shoulder strap and the head tucked into bungee, so it wasn't dangling, and somebody commented "hey, your dive light is on." Sure enough...

Conclusion: I really like the 1000-6. The tight, bright beam. The adjustable brightness. And, especially, the constant output, so it doesn't gradually taper off in brightness all through the dive. But, I think my enthusiasm for it may have a small component of "honeymoon period" because I just got it and it's "shiny". lol!

When I think to myself "what dives will I do where I choose the 1000-6 over either of the other two" I am a little stumped. If I wasn't concerned about having it turn on by accident due to the push button, answering that would be a lot easier. In that case, I would probably always take it over the 700. But, for a lot of dives, I want a backup light with the reliability and peace of mind that comes from knowing it won't turn on by accident and chew up a large portion of the battery without me even knowing it.

And then there are dives where I take my GoPro and will want the versatility of the BB and its flood beam option. Plus it's fair to note that the 1000-6 has 5000mAh of battery and the BB has 14000mAh.... I don't have a burn test, but my expectation is that the BB will burn a lot longer on "High" than the 1000-6 - though it will also be gradually dimming.

I guess my conclusion is that none of them are perfect and I will continue to use all of them. And dang, don't we have a lot of great options for lighting these days?!
The BBL appears to reach further and lighten the wreck more than the others.

Put down the crack pipe, man. ;) No way the BB was lighting up the wreck more.

Watch the last few seconds of the video where I'm going back and forth between the 1000-6 and BB, shining them alternately on the wooden beams that are at the base of the wreck. The 1000-6 clearly is lighting up those boards more than the BB. Start at around 2:14. The DGX beam is the one on the left.
Thanks to @lexvil in the other thread, I now know that the DGX 1000-6 has a "lock" function. Turn it off then press and hold the on/off button for 3 - 4 seconds. The light will flash twice and then it is locked. To turn it on, you have to unlock it by doing the same process again (press and hold until it flashes twice).
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