Okay thanks for everyone’s comments!
I guess what I see is that an hp50 slimline is going to be ~400 (used). A Neptune II with com is another ~400 (used). Same with a drysuit (if it fits). That’s already ~ $1200 on the used market (I think).
And that’s not including all the other tanks, regs, bcd’s, bags, storage boxes, etc.
Are you buying things to save money (like my wife does

) or are you buying things you really think you need? For example:
Cannister light -- I don't know many people other than cave/technical divers who use cannister lights these days. Surely some others do and love them, but you can get more than enough light for recreational night dives with a $100 light that's fairly small in comparison. Are you intending to do cave/technical diving?
Neptune II -- similarly, though no doubt some people love them, I don't know many people who actually use full face masks. Personally I'd probably only use one if I had some type of jaw issues that prohibited my use of regular regs. As for coms, frankly part of what I love about diving is the quiet, and hand signals have worked just fine.
Also, not knowing the history, much of this gear you might want/need to get serviced before using. That costs money -- here are some rough estimates, can vary a lot by dive shop
- BCD service - around $40 maybe
- Reg set service - probably $100-150 per set or more (1st stage, 2 2nd stages, and SPG). For many regs, only certified technicians can get the part sets needed, so regardless of how mechanically inclined you have to use a dive shop with certified techs, and not all dive shops service all brands.
- Tanks - if they need hydro testing that can be around $40 or more each tank -- this also requires a certified shop that has required inspection stickers or no shop will fill them.
Etc., etc. I'd skip the camera and the scooter too personally. But honestly, with you not yet being certified, I'd be inclined to say hold off on buying anything but mask, fins & snorkel until you know that diving actually is for you (some people have sinus issues, ear issues, vertigo issues, etc. that they don't know of until they try diving).