Zeagle Ranger

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North Carolina
Best damn BC on the market! Who's with me?? Does any other BC offer the features and versatility of this product?
Yes....almost any BP/Wings setup.
I think a new diver should buy a integrated system don't you? I like my back plate and wings but if I am diving a single cylinder I have my ranger on.. always! The zeagle gives you alot of unique features and that lends itself to being quite versatile.... I mount my doubles on my plate.......
I'm newly certified, having just logged my 8th dive. Purchasing my own BC is the first major step in acquiring my primary gear for future dives. I came here to get the opinions of others on which BC they'd used and recommend. The information received was extremely helpful. I also rented the types of BC that I was thinking of purchasing so that I could combine my own experience with the information that I'd gathered here and elsewhere on the Internet.

The suggestions to go with a BP/Wing configuration are highly appreciated. My final decision came down to determining what type of diving I expect to be doing. As this will primarily be recreational diving I chose to go with a BC.

My final selection is the Zeagle Ranger. I have actually decided to purchase the Ranger Limited Edition that is just now being made available. I haven't received it yet, but look forward to some great diving as soon as it arrives.
But recently for the Sunshine Trip I wanted to put together a singles rig for most of the rec. diving we would be doing.

Having an extra SS BP I decided to get a 27# Halcyon wing and use it without an STA.

This set up was remarkably minimal and very streamlined compared to any standard BC and functioned perfectly.

Total weight (inlcuding the belt and plate) was half what I needed with the Ranger.

And ultimately less $$ too.
I have used a Ranger and it's a nice BC. But with a properly sized and weighted backplate and some simple webbing and the wing of your choice you can make the ultimate "fit yourself like a glove and remain highly versatile and keep it inexpensive BC" on the market.

The Ranger is still nice but wouldn't you like to have a BC that was designed just for you-by you? And for about the same price -or less.
The ranger is over hyped. I can't wait to shelve my and get a halcyon or similar setup in the spring. The ranger rides up at the surface, the tank flops if you rotate to one side and the pockets are useless for anyone but your buddy. Its too bulky (as i'm sure most regular bcs are).

My first inflator valve gummed up on me so stuck on at 40 feet. Bad purchase all around.

The Ranger Limited Edition (why they call it that I have no idea since they'll probably just keep it within their product line) is the Zeagle Ranger with "extras". A full product description is posted at the manufacturer's web site (Ranger Limited).
I have a ranger, and everytime I slip it on I feel bulky and constrained and ask myself "Geez, why don't you just get a freakin' singles wing already..." The pockets are useless if you have gloves on. It's just like my BP harness better, it's more comfortable to me.

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