Zeagle Envoy or Apeks AT20??

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Pee Jay, Sel, MY

Which would you recommend??

Zeagle Envoy or Apeks AT20, Both are "award" winning and prices below $300?

I have not dived both, but would like some comments.

p/s i read in rodale's AT20 stutters???
as far as i know the envoy has an environmently sealed first stage which the at20 doesn't. if it's true, i would take the zeagle, esp. if the price is the same

Which would you recommend??

Zeagle Envoy or Apeks AT20, Both are "award" winning and prices below $300?

I have not dived both, but would like some comments.

p/s i read in rodale's AT20 stutters???

I have never done any diving with the Apeks, but, I dove the Zeagle DSIV 2 weeks ago on vacation. Awesome reg. I know the Envoy is one step below the DSIV and does not have the environmental seal, but, that's all I know about it.

I'm buying the DSIV this week. The dealer here rents what they sell so that helped me make my decision.

Thanks pple,

wish we have the rental/buy option here. sigh..
Anyway was wondering, does the diver adjustable cracking pressure in the ATX50 worth the additional $100??
sorry for the misinformation.
i held an envoy in my hands last week and was comparing it to the apeks tx40 and could have sworen, that they are identical. maybe it wasn't the envoy then that i was holding.
Zeagle Regs were made by Apeks I thought. I has one (Zeagle Octo=) and it was made by Apeks
Zeagle started making their own regs about 2 years ago, as I understand it. Yes, they do look the same. Big difference is they are made in the US. Not sure about any other specifics other than price.
Is a great little regulator. I own two, both breath extreamly easy. brianwl is correct Zeagle makes their own but did Private Label using Apex a few years ago. I bought the Zeagle because it was American made, in Florida by divers. I haven't been sorry.
You can get an dry seal kit for the Envoy for use in cold water. My dive buddy uses one with the kit, and we've had it to 160fft at 33 degree with no problems.

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