I just returned from a nice dive trip on Kona were we saluted our lost friend, and am consoled by the warmth and depth of all the responses to Zak's life.
I was Zak's last "Cold Water" student here in the Northwest. I had the fortunate pleasure of completing my DSAT Tech Deep and Gas Blender courses from Zak just before he made his move to Florida. We had many more dives planned; and I will miss him on each and every one of them. Zak was always a big stickler for doing it right (no dir pun indented) and doing it well. We had many conversations about how to be an inspirational instructor and asset to the diving community; and I think he completly embodied both of those aspirations.
And although I have a hard time writing this without getting really sad, I would like to share a story about our last deep certification dive here in the northwest. We had to complete a decompression dive to 165' on open circuit air, and he wanted to celebrate while we tooled around getting narc'd. Zak always made it a point that he was a big Narc Weenie, and really didn't enjoy going that deep on air, and preferred tri-mix as his gas of choice for anything over 130'; but for the class he would be there for me. So to celebrate our last dive here before his move, my last required dive for certification and his last cold water dive for a while he suggested we open a can of root beer at the bottom and drink it. Heck, I didn't know any better and said sure! Well, it was a cold and dark night when we finally got into the water, and we completely forgot the root beer or any celebration. We dropped to depth at 165' where it was very dark, very cold and nothing more than mud and a bunch of really big spotted prawns staring at these two bubblemaking strangers. I was very narc'd and concentrating very hard at keeping my composure as I saw Zak reach down and grab one of those prawns. As I'm watching he then proceeds to rip it's head off, peels the thing, pulls his reg out and starts munching down on raw prawn. After a couple of chews he swallows the mess, smiles, puts his reg back in and motions to me to do the same! Well, like I said I was a little tipsy, and thought; "What the hell, this must be the celebration! Sushi at a buck sixty-five!" So I chase a prawn down, rip his head off, peel the bloody thing and take a bite. Yech! Salty, nasty, squishy...I almost blew chunks and forced a swallow just so I could get my reg back in my mouth and breath again. I look over at him and he is just crying in his mask he's laughing so hard. I'm loopier than a teenager on MD 20/20 and start laughing so hard I can barely keep my reg in my mouth. We get back to the surface and I start into him about that being the nastyist thing I had ever eaten and didn't see how he could do it. He just looks at me and says "I don't know what got into me, I was narc'd out of my gourd and I just knew I had to celebrate, and thought sushi sounded good; I didn't think you'd do it too!"
Ahh, I will miss him....Zak, take care buddy; until we meet again.