Bren Tierney
Uncle Pug:Which words were not made up?
I know the answer... I just want to see if you do.
Errr....a rather nebulous statement, that: 'Which words were not made up?' Being as there are over 1.5 miilion words in the English language in general and daily use (outside of the extra 750,000+ in use in the scientific sphere), might you like to give us a clue, or be a tad more specific as to which set of words you refer? Level the playing field that man! What are your terms of reference? Are we beginning at Beowulf and continuing through Chaucerian 'Middle English' of the Middle Ages and then, ahem, progressing to 'systematize', or do you have a more defined set of precepts in mind? Do tell.
And I should damned-well hope you do know the answer: you did, after all, set the 'question'!