I wonder what prevents DUI (or someone else) making other shell suits with this breathable material? I would not mind if my TLS breathed a bit more on days when it's 70-90F on surface but bottom temp is barely 40F. Wonder what the problem is (stiffening of the material? durability?) Maybe this is explained somewhere on their site but I don't recall seeing it.
The material on the 30/30 is quite nice. It's as flexible as the TLS-350 material, but from what I understand it's not quite as robust. For instance, DUI recommends against adding pockets, kneepads, etc to the 30/30, stating that they don't hold up as well when sewn on to that fabric.
To me the "breathability" aspect is sort of odd. How does the fabric know to let moisture/vapor OUT but not let it in?
Sort of like a Thermos: keeps hot stuff hot, and cold stuff cold. How do it know whether to keep it hot or to keep it cold?