Yo Geek Boy aka Spectre

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Could it be my coworkers are right?

31.95266% - Total Geek

Guess this means it's time for me to turn off the computer and go diving...

... besides, I don't see any questions on the test to rack up more points for playing with my dive computer. :eyebrow:
15.77909% - Geek

And "geek" isn't even known over here!

Am I a pioneer? :eyebrow:
well, that was rather interesting...not sure if its bad or good but i got "poser" hate that.!!!!
8.28402% - Poser

Not bad considering my job and those around me here, just shows i dont fit in here, again! ;)
LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 23.07692% - Geek
4.something, so that makes me a poser. Aw, come on, I'm still allowed to roleplay, right?
You know you're a geek when..........

you can program anything - a VCR, DVD player, someone else's cell phone - without referring to the manual. Just the other day, my supervisor at work was complaining about the microwave flashing "12:00" - several people had tried to set the time. When he wasn't looking I pressed 4 buttons and the correct time was displayed..........

Or you type in all your scubaboard tags manually, because it's faster.........

Or you're built your own applets / modified someone else's, because it's easier than doing something manually
you can program anything - a VCR, DVD player, someone else's cell phone - without referring to the manual.
They come with manuals?
Just the other day, my supervisor at work was complaining about the microwave flashing "12:00" - several people had tried to set the time. When he wasn't looking I pressed 4 buttons and the correct time was displayed.
Guilty. I KNOW I've never seen my microwave's manual. I think it was stuck to the mounting template, which didn't seem to match the bolt holes, so it started the BBQ... but later I found the J-hooks and decided that the template would have worked, but I had already mounted the backing plate so it didn't matter.
ANYWAYS... Twice a year, I field the phone calls from home and can't tell her how to correct for DST. I look at the keypad and it's done.
Or you type in all your scubaboard tags manually, because it's faster.
You mean like {B}{/B}, {I}{/I}, and {quote}{/quote}?
There's other ways to put those in :) ?
Or you're built your own applets / modified someone else's, because it's easier than doing something manually
Uhh.... no. Hey, I'm only 40.23669%
63.51085% - Extreme Geek
Not fair - there should be a reduction factor for older people. Just because I did something once 30 years ago doesn't mean that I do all these things simultaneously!
Besides, most of the SciFi writers named are from my generation - everybody read them then!
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