This is a scuba unit. I cannot see telling a prospective customer that it is such would be pooping on a competing product. The things that would worry me most about this product, aside from the embolism risk is what you would be introducing into your lungs. Humid, unfiltered air being compressed to 3kpsi and then released will cause condensation in the bottle, allowing what ever to grow. Not to mention micro droplets of oil. The gauge in the ad only goes to 1,000, wonder what that means....
The girls in floss were nice, but there seemed to be a lot of reef touching going on. Ultimately, this is a jobs program for lawyers. The good news is that 95% of these will never be properly or improperly deployed. 15% will be returned for a refund and 80% will clutter basements, tagsales and goodwill stores. The unreturned inventory is the profit.
The girls in floss were nice, but there seemed to be a lot of reef touching going on. Ultimately, this is a jobs program for lawyers. The good news is that 95% of these will never be properly or improperly deployed. 15% will be returned for a refund and 80% will clutter basements, tagsales and goodwill stores. The unreturned inventory is the profit.