"... and simply copied it and changed the name. His claims of 10 minutes are a complete lie. He should be stopped before he kills someone!..."The people from spare air are complaining about being copied in the comments on the linked page.
Sympathies to the company having their product copied. It's a tough fact of international markets that such copies could ruin you or your reputation or both. If the original company does not have the funds to stop the copy (not really doable if patents don't exist or ran out) or false advertising, not even just within the US, then who will. Most everybody else won't have a financial interest to.
If you spend the money, time and effort necessary to try stop the company selling it in the US (no guarantees that would succeed), nothing has stopped the makers yet at all. Another seller or same seller, new name...) could just pop up. Or sell from a jurisdiction where stopping it is not even realistic at all. Market realities are harsh that way. Even with patent protection it is quite hard and requires very deep pockets (and large expenses may likely not be regained from small competitors at all). Once products loose patent protection and are simple enough to copy and someone sees the marketplace as inviting enough to do so... all bets are off. Branding and reputation and customer service reputation may help... but... - tough...