Man, that sucks- 1 month before testing! Kenpo, if I recall right, is a pretty aggressive art, so its no wonder you were in such good shape.44 is not to old. I started American Kenpo when I was 49. Trained for about 5 years, 3 times a week, which included 4 minute sparring rounds with excercises & kicking drills in between. It had me in the best shape of my life. I was about a month from testing for my black belt when my knees swelled up from psuedogout and I haven't been able to do it since; can't run or bike either. Scuba Diving and swimming are OK though. I really miss it.
Sorry about your knee- a lot of knee issues in this thread. Glad you are swimming, as it can be a very good workout too- second only to cross country skiing in terms of aerobic exercise/calories burned.
I run myself. I have a 1/2 marathon in Vegas in December. I will begin upping my mileage soon as the heat breaks.