Yahoo Wazee!!!!

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Sneaking out before the lakes freeze.. Anybody going to Wazee 11th & 12th???
Well fine.... I went without you...And it was spectacular

A couple more

Nice pictures, vis looks excellent. Don't worry about Wazee freezing anytime soon. Many years we do a new years dive there without any ice. So plenty of time to get wet.

Yeah but's cold then...hell it's cold now.....Still so much fun....
CheddarChick, what part of the lake was the picture of the trees taken and at what depth? The viz looks absolutely astounding!
We always go off the site right by the check-in shack near the fish cribs. Go to the right after the checkin and go to the 1st or 2nd site on the right, benches on both sides of the road. We go down the incline, enter and go to the right. I drop down to the platform, and stay at about 20-30' deep...Too cold otherwise. These were at about 25' close to the grassy slope...If you rub the rocks together, the bass will come and find you....They then hang and watch you carefully turn over the rocks and grab the crawdads as they come out.. It is really fascinating to watch how they eat them. It explains why I never can hook one when fishing. They grab it and immediately swim straight up with thier mouth open to redijust how the crawdad is in thier mouth. Then GULP!!! By the fish crib there is a rocky ledge that drops off and they hang on the other side waiting for you to show up...I saw the BIGGEST bass I have ever seen on Sunday by the cribs...Cheddarguy said easily 8-9 pounds.....Of course no pix of him.... You don't get that big by being friendly....Vis was great on the 1st dive 25' + then in an hour rotten, then great the next morning, it is a crap shoot.....
The two times I went to Lake Wazee we were at the wreck site. The first was for AOW training, the second was to prep for a Lake Michigan Wreck dive. We really liked swimming through Sherwood Forest, though we did not see very many fish. I will try the rock trick next time I am there. And you are right, that lake is COOOLD! 42 deg. at 60'! Made Lake Michigan seem positively tropical!:rofl3:
Scary cold ain't it??? I never found many fish down by the Forest....And since I am always cold past 30' I never go there....I just love the fishies, if you go slow and don't scare them they will follow you for the whole dive.!!! And by the fish cribs and the grassy areas off the 1st site seem to be the best...

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