Well jeckyll, I will tell you that the way I did my purchase will not be recommanded by myself to anyone !!!!,, After my certification ( open water ) I went all out with my purchase and lost control during the pick up... I spend between the GF and I almsot 14 K ( including courses ) together and we still dont' have the tanks yet lol.. When i bought my regs I also bought my DS with the transmitter so i needed them to install it on my Reg.. So When everything was ready I had to pick so many things that a lot of equipment who needed to be set up was no longer in any box.. I am sure I did it the wrong way and I have no excuse beside the fact that I know better now... Try to imagine buying equipment ( full set up ) for 2 person at the same time.. Now, do I still have the XTX 200 Manual well maybe in my storage room lol... I will go back down and check if I can find all my manuals for everything I bought.. I know I still have my BCD manual cause I had question when I got it due to the fact that I never used a different technique for purge then direct system and my new BCD don't have that inflate / purge system..
Thanx for the tip much appreciated
Thanx for the tip much appreciated