Wrist or consoles computer

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Well, if I forgot my fins or my mask, I really couldn't do the dive. That would upset me. Forgetting my dive computer... well, I can still dive.

That sounds awful dangerous to me. Next you'll be telling me I don't really need a computer!

:rofl3: :rofl3: :rofl3:

P.S: there may be a reason why I keep an old skool manual depth gauge in my gear bag though. Computers fail after all even when worn
That reminds me of this one time I got on my gear and walked all the way down to the shore at low tide and realized I left my fins back up by the sidewalk. :D Every dive I sit there and think "what did I forget???" even when I didn't forget anything.
I have a pre-pre-dive routine when shore diving (also used as a pre-boarding routine for boat dives). It probably looks like I'm doing a particularly remedial attempt at the Macarena, but I tap and slap through all my gear as I mentally check it off. (I don't actually reach all the way down to my feet for fins and boots, but everything else is pretty much tap yourself where it will be.)

Getting off a boat, I do the same thing.

(Hmm... you know, that Dork Diver card might be a bit redundant. :rofl3:)
Well, if I forgot my fins or my mask, I really couldn't do the dive. That would upset me. Forgetting my dive computer... well, I can still dive.

Phhhhbt, you need fins to dive? Just use seaweed to tie driftwood to your feet, duh.:D
I decided on a wrist computer because I had seen so many people who I otherwise consider good divers banging their consoles off the reef. I just wanted to be as streamlined as possible. Now I can't imagine having that extra piece hanging there. I have a slate and computer on one arm, compass and back-up bottom timer on the other. But then, I'm not a lobster hunter and not given to reaching into holes for any other reason either.
I much prefer a console (uwatec smartcom is what I use). I have it clipped with a lanyard to my BC and it doesn't dangle and is at the perfect distance to read--right within my bifocal range. For some reason, particularly when wearing a drysuit, I really don't like things on my wrist and this works quite well for me.


Bifocal range, that's me. I just can't see at arm's length, so a wrist computer is out until I surrender to a bifocal mask. I keep my console hose behind my waist strap. My gauges are on the same side so a quick glance tells me everything I need to know.
As I said earlier, I use a console. It’s an Oceanic ProPlus 2 with air integration and it is not much larger than a conventional SPG. It originally had a compass but I removed it and now use a wrist mount compass.
It really works well for me and I have it run through a loop so it does not dangle.

Really a lot more comfortable with the wris tmount because your information is
available so quickly and easily without changing body angle. A lot of divers like the big package readout you get with console but once you've had a lot of practice with the information in smaller form on watches it's gravy.
My humble opinion 'a course.
I dive with a Suunto D9 and can't imagine having to bend/look aside for a console ever again.
I am a very new diver (21 dives), was certified April 28th this year, so take this with that in mind...

My wife and I both opted for wrist computers (Oceanic Atom 2). With everything we had to learn, we didn't want the extra trouble of not being as streamlined as possible (we also opted for the power inflator / octo combo). We've been very pleased with our purchase(s).

I did my AOW class this weekend and was watching other divers fiddle with their consoles every time the instructor would do an air check...and I was even more pleased with my decision. Checking air/depth/temp is as simple as checking the time.
Wrist - at the moment. I've bought a console with the intention of moving it over but am having second thoughts after reading this thread. The arguments for favouring wrist mount seem to have a lot more to do with ease and efficiency while diving than my logic did, and I'll readily give priority to performance while diving over topside conveniences.

Reasons for making the move included:
- more convenient to check the computer and SPG in one motion. It's a good way to remember to check the air.
- the wrist mount is one more thing to have to put on or take off when getting in or out of the wet suit.
- it is less likely to develop legs if I briefly leave it unattended in a "public" place.
- I've dropped or almost lost the computer a couple of times when peeling off the wetsuit during an S.I. on a boat. (So take it off and strap it to your reg. until you're ready to put it back on your wrist, idiot child. (I'm a slow learner.))
- It looked like it was going to be even more of a hassle when wearing a dry suit, although I haven't found that to be the case so far.
- I've seen a diver lose a good watch when his BC hooked it as he was removing his gear before climbing the boat's ladder.

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