Wrist & hand pain from tank slinging

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Beachfront - Lauderdale on Hibiscus.
My apologies if this has already been discussed; a search for "tank" and "wrist" and "pain" turned nothing up.

I have a tremendous pain in my right wrist where I've been "slinging" tanks from the valve in and out of my car (we've done about 40 dives in the last six weeks). The tendons in my left hand above the fingers I use to hold the valve when I carry a tank are also painful.

I'm being careful now, icing and bracing both, but anybody know if this is serious enough for a doctor visit?
40 dives in the last six weeks and you want us to feel sorry for you?

I think it's just your age showing. Take a few Advil and take it easy. :D

.... Oww! Yeah, I can empathize! What works for me - R.I.C.E. - Rest - yeah right, like That's gonna happen!, Ice - when I have time, Compression - never have figured out how to wrap my neck or shoulder without strangling myself! Elevate? My neck and shoulder are most always above heart level...

What seems to help the most though, is Anti-inflammatory meds - i.e. Aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, bextra, celebrex, vioox.

I've had enough injury associated tendonitis that I don't see a doc for it any more, just self treat as above...
Glad to hear that neither of you think it's serious!

Not sure I can rest... I live on the beach now! Maybe a sherpa... yeah, that's the ticket. Good to hear the ice... I almost used heat. A wrap & a brace should take care of the compression.

Thanks for the reassurances & advice!

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