Wrinkles November '06 Dive Planning Thread - Catalina Island

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Today is the last day that the Seaport Village Inn will hold rooms aside for us, so be sure to call and make reservations if you are planning to take advantage of this great offer on a package to stay for the whole weekend.

They may not fill the rooms immediately, so if you want to you still want to make a reservation after today, you should still call and find out if they have any rooms available (they may have cancellations, too).

Bring an extra mask.

Oh, Saints preserve us!!! What the heck do you DIR dudes DO with your masks that you need so many extras??!!! Sheesh.... :shakehead You'd think someone was taking them away from you!

I like filling mine with seawater whilst underwater in the surf zone, and then coming up to enjoy the beautiful Expressionistic rocky coastline that I'm being bounced around in. Why bother to worry when all the barnacle encrusted rocks look softly blurred and comforting? :D


P.S. See y'all at Casino Point! Wooo-Hooooo!
Penny and I are planning on being there all day saturday, so that we can watch Claudette do DIR-style hand signals underwater all day.

That's some excitin' life ya got goin' there, Chief! How's that working out for ya???

(Happy to provide entertainment to the amusement-deprived. Of course we have, uhm... "improved" on the standard library of DIR UW hand signals. :eyebrow: )

:monkeydan ? :peace2: ? :peace:? :thumbs_up ? :klclown: ?

:no Claudette
Of course we have, uhm... "improved" on the standard library of DIR UW hand signals.


Photo collage to follow soon.

Stay tuned everyone...

Oh, Saints preserve us!!! What the heck do you DIR dudes DO with your masks that you need so many extras??!!! Sheesh.... :shakehead You'd think someone was taking them away from you!

I rarely loose more than two in ten seconds, but I've tried on four or five per minute. They don't all fit the same.

I rarely loose more than two in ten seconds, but I've tried on four or five per minute. They don't all fit the same.

:rofl3: omg this is quite a mental image.



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