WPB-July 4th

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Martinez, GA
I am going to be diving WPB over July 4th weekend with a group from my dive shop. We are scheduled to dive on the Rampage, the 3, 4, and 5th. Will do two tank dives in the morning and afternoon and one night dive during those three days. What are some of my board friends doing down in Fla that weekend?

Any Florida Conch Divers going to be around that weekend? Bob,
NetDoc, FLL Diver, Walter, ? I haven't met any others from So. FL from this board but if you are around WPB during those days maybe we can make some arrangements. I don't have to dive 100% with my friends from home, but I will have already paid for those dives.

Let me know anyway if anyone has any ideas on getting together.
I know most of you dive Boynton, and Deerfield Bch. So thought I would throw this out there.

See Ya!
I can make a July 3d or 5th dive. I've dove from the Rampage and she's a nice boat. I don't mind diving with your group if there's room for me. Wouldn't it be cool to have a Conch Diver get together and dive July 5th? :tree: Bob
:( I am not so sure now if I will be coming:( I have had some very bad news that could interfere with my trip. I can't really say much at this point as it is of a very personal nature.

It could even be that I will not be able to dive at all. I just ask that all keep me in their prayers for now. I am a bit frightened as this could be a major health problem. Right now all I can do is wait to see what the results of a second set of tests that have been done show.

Let me say that I am feeling quite healthy, and have no symptoms, but a routine test I had was questionable and has been repeated. I should know more on Monday. Meanwhile, I am seriously re-thinking my dive trip on the 4th. That being said though my doctor has not told me I should not dive. I am very confused right now.

I also, don't know if the boat is full or how many divers we are bringing. You should probably check with the Rampage.

I have to decide if I should cancel or not. Believe me this is a though decision as I LOVE to dive in WPB. I don't miss these trips we make from our LDS. I especially love the 4th of July dives. I will post as soon as I know what I am going to do.
This REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, HURTS ME!!! I had to cancel my dive plans for the 4th, and it has to be the most painful reason I have ever had.

I am going to have a breast biopsy done on Wednesday, this week and will not be able to do any exercise or lifting of anything over 30 lbs for 10 days post procedure. My dives would have all been in that time window and I do not want to risk any complications. Things have been stressful enough for me just waiting to see if I had to have one. Now, I have to do the waiting for the biopsy results.

I am hopeful and have very good odds on my side as my risk factors are below average for cancer. Anyway, I have rescheduled to come with my LDS on Labor Day weekend.

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