I am going to be diving WPB over July 4th weekend with a group from my dive shop. We are scheduled to dive on the Rampage, the 3, 4, and 5th. Will do two tank dives in the morning and afternoon and one night dive during those three days. What are some of my board friends doing down in Fla that weekend?
Any Florida Conch Divers going to be around that weekend? Bob,
NetDoc, FLL Diver, Walter, ? I haven't met any others from So. FL from this board but if you are around WPB during those days maybe we can make some arrangements. I don't have to dive 100% with my friends from home, but I will have already paid for those dives.
Let me know anyway if anyone has any ideas on getting together.
I know most of you dive Boynton, and Deerfield Bch. So thought I would throw this out there.
See Ya!
Any Florida Conch Divers going to be around that weekend? Bob,
NetDoc, FLL Diver, Walter, ? I haven't met any others from So. FL from this board but if you are around WPB during those days maybe we can make some arrangements. I don't have to dive 100% with my friends from home, but I will have already paid for those dives.
Let me know anyway if anyone has any ideas on getting together.
I know most of you dive Boynton, and Deerfield Bch. So thought I would throw this out there.
See Ya!