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Bowling Green,Ky
You guys are great!! Thanks so much for the big welcome.If all I gotta do to be adoted is ask questions, I'm in like flint!For it best to kind of stick to one place? I have posted ?? several places, how do you guys keep up with each other that way?And how the heck do you use those cool graphics in your text?

I have updated my profile since I have decided to stay, in case anyone is interested.I have buzzed thru several sites that I wouldn't give any info on, glad to have found you all.:)
Look for a spot on this page you are reading for an underlined word Smilies that will give you an idea of how to use the graphics. As far as keeping track of one another, you will find that it will come naturally, plus you will get an e-mail from the board every time someone responds to your posts in the threads.

Heres an official welcome from north of the 49th. If you're ever up in Ontario let us know and we will get wet together.

The neat graphics are the "smilies". Just go to the smilies highlight at the bottom of the page.

Butch :peace:
OK Silverfish...

You did it now... Mario's head will be so big now for being able to help you that there might not be enough room for the rest of us on this board... :tease:

Just don't bow to him... that's all I ask... :tease:
I don't bow...I have been known to curtsy. But it's been awhile.

Do you get emailed when I post a response here?
When you reply to a post, on the "Your Reply" screen down at the bottom is a list of options. If you have checked "Email Notification" you will get an e-mail every time somebody replies to that thread.

Hope this helps

so Iguana Don, you only get an email when I reply to your reply IF you want one?

or do you only get emailed if you started the thread?
Anytime there is a reply to the thread, by anybody. You don't even have to be the started of the thread, just check that box and anytime anybody replies to the thread you will get e-mail notification.

But beware: This will fill up your mailbox fast.

Glad to have you aboard. Ask away - we're all here to help, learn and have fun!

If you choose the option to be emailed when someone replies to a thread you've posted on, ID is right - your mailbox fills up very fast, but then you get to keep track of what everyone's saying, right?


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