As a young Army brat growing up during the 60's I was witness to our veterans coming home with body parts missing, burned, maimed, or disfigured. I often wondered what our country would do (other than money) to offset their sacrifice in some way. Let me tell you, it can never be repaid. After seeing so many of our troopers coming back from this war looking very similiar to what I saw many years ago it makes me feel better when I read articles about our medical services going beyond the extra mile. The many years I served I was lucky. After jumping out of airplanes, live fires, about a million training exercises, and some really crazy stuff on the DMZ in Korea I was able to come out of it all with all the parts intact. Those of us that have served and see our fellow troopers getting proper medical treatment and rehabilation is comforting. Our troopers will do some incredible things if they know someone will take care of them if they get hurt. My hope is that the policy makers of our country understand and appreciate the sacrifice they and their families make for our great nation. Thank you to all that help our wounded warriors. That comes from deep within my rucksack. I'll carry your poggie bait, extra ammo, extra water, extra socks, and anything else you want any day of the week......Thanks for everything. God Bless Our Warriors and Their Families.