If you look on a map of Texas, CSSP is located on the east side of Terrell. Look where IH 20 and US 80 intersect east of Dallas.ZenSquirrel once bubbled...
Some basic questions: Where is CSSP in relation to Austin? What's the water temp?
As far as temps, the lake is spring fed from a deeeep spring. Surface to 26 feet has been in the 80's. 26-28ft is the edge of the thermocline. And it drops dramatically from there.
So if you want to keep to your 3mil, you can be very comfortable in the 0-30ft range. But if you want to explore the deeper section, I recommend thick 5-mil w/hood & gloves, or a drysuit with hood.
I'm thinking of drysuiting this weekend to get my skills back up to speed. Plus re-figuring out weighting.