??? Worlds Best ????

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I overall question for you all.............

What in your view is quite simply the worlds best current reg out there?
post your views and reasons.

:eyebrow: Not looking for a flame war here....just trying to settle a small wager thats going on in my household.....
I personally prefer the Atomic B2. My wife uses the Atomic M1. This regs are well designed. Our regs breath the same on the surface as well at 100'. The regs breath will little draw effort, but don't force the air when it releases the air.

To give you an idea how much I Love my reg; if I had to dump all of my epuipment and make an emergency assent, I would take to time to unscrew my reg and take it with me (LOL). :07:
Scuba Pro 650.......... Read the test results from the dive magazines. They are not cheap just the best.........
ScubaPro MK25 1st Stage and x650 2nd stage; although any ScubaPro reg is excellent. Rodale's recently gave it top marks. More impressive is that Fathoms magazine asked a group of extremely experienced divers what regs they prefer, and the ScubaPro name came up a clear winner.
The one you like most to dive with. For me it's a USD Aqua Master two hose

Everyone will have their opinions, the only interesting ones are the people that vote for a reg that they do not dive with, because if the reg that each diver owns is not the best then why did they buy it right?

Anyways, Apeks ATX100, tried and true, usable in any environment. Warm or ice. easy serviceability and maintenance, relatively inexpensive, no drawbacks.
The real question is ATX or TX series...

I would have to say that while they are each good regs....
Atomics is not really that tried and true,
and Scubapro is not really that versatile (outside of warm water)
Problem with the word "best".. best for what. That's like what's the best vehicle... Porsche? Not if you're trying to carry sheet rock. Pickup truck? Not if you're drag racing...

So best reg? Depends... Ice? Deep? Mixed Gas? or plain ole simple basic recreational diving. Probably the Atomic B2, unless you need a M1 for Ice, or Poseidon Xstream Deep if deep, or... or...
Mares MR22/Abyss.
Solid, simple, reliable, great hose routing for rec. diving, no damn knobs and swivel crapp and currently a record setter.
It is a little older design by now but still as good and fresh as it was years ago.
Scubapro Mk25 S600 is what I currently dive with and I couldn't be happier, only reg that has come close IMO is the Atomic M1
ScubaPro MK25 1st Stage and x650 2nd stage; although any ScubaPro reg is excellent. Rodale's recently gave it top marks. More impressive is that Fathoms magazine asked a group of extremely experienced divers what regs they prefer, and the ScubaPro name came up a clear winner.

While I am a former editor for Rodale's, and a regular reader of Fathoms, you must take heed of what "extremely experienced" divers choose as their reg. ScubaPro, along with some other manufacturers, provide equipment to professional divers at a price that is actually below dealer cost. I know that Howard Hall's entire team is sponsored by ScubaPro. I am not saying that ScubaPro gear isn't excellent, as most of it is top notch. However, going with brand loyalty based upon that logic is akin to believing that professional athletes would wear a certain brand of shoe without receving endorsements. When I looked over the list that you refered to I noticed that at least one third of the "panel" are on ScubaPro's "preferred customer list". Once again, not to say this is wrong, as it is very common in recreational areas. If you were contemplating a reg purchase and had narrowed it down to three different excellent models wouldn't you go with the one that was at a greatly discounted price?


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