WOOHOO!!!! Back from Akumal!

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Chandler, Arizona (aka the DESERT)
And my first salt water dives! How am I ever going to do these darned dirty murky lakes again???? Oh well, a girl's gotta make do, right? Anyway...

Only got to do 5 dives while we were there. We dove with the Akumal Dive Shop. WOW were they great with me, very helpful with new divers. We dove a cuple different sites over 2 days, the best of which was called Aquamaria. We saw a school of Barracuda, these MONSTROUS Rainbow Parrot Fish, Turtles and some Rays. Akumal was just gorgeous!!! However, I have to admit we were hoping for better dives. Most of the great things we saw were on the same trip underwater. BUT, I got underwater and that was my goal for the week! (And I have to say that THIS is extremely addicting!)

Also did my first night dive. I was pretty nervous getting geared up as the seas were getting pretty choppy, not to mention that I was nervous about a night dive period. (But my great sister was there to hold my hand the entire time- with the knowledge that I may call it off at ANY time if I got too uncomfortable.) BUT, once I went under- I was FINE! OMG! I adore night diving! Octopus are the most amazing creatures I have ever had the pleasure of seeing!!!! It's so cool as to how they change colors in an instant!!!!! (OK, and seeing all the lobsters made me H-U-N-G-R-Y as could be too!) Oh! Also got to see some of the corals spawning. THAT was really neat too. (But still, second to the octopus!)

The best part about going to Akumal was seeing the turtles. I had the pleasure of watching one lay her eggs, and then a few nights later, another nest hatched!!!!! These little creatures are adorable when they're small.

I will be heading back there again. (Gotta try a better time of year to go down there....mosquite heaven in August.) However, next time I'll try to talk them into other sites too. (Although one of them was littered with Cow Fish. I think I have my new favorite fish. They're so odd looking.) I just love the rainbows of fish you see down there. Next trip will hopefully be down to San Carlos, Mexico in the Sea of Cortez to do a few dives in a few weeks. (Gotta get the finances back up...always seem to go over budget on htese big vacations!) I have to see these "Crown fo Thorns" Starfish she keeps telling me about, along with a few other things. (Including the sea lions and dolphins!)

Sorry this is a lame-o report! But I just can't think of everything right now! (I will also add that I highly recommend the Akumal Dive Shop!)

I'm glad you had a great time, but what do you mean by better dives? I am thinking about playa del carmen sometime soon because that key west trip i think ain't gonna fly. I don't know about the weather this time of year in mexico. Did it rain during the day also? I was told september is a bad time to go.
The vis was GREAT!!!! I was just hoping to see more sea creatures is all. (We ended up diving the same sites it seems.) It did rain EVERY SINGLE DAY we were there. Rather than 100' of viz we had 70...no biggie when you'r elike me and used to 10's when you're LUCKY.

I'd be all for going in Sept! (Just make sure and bring mosquito repellent! LOL...we, and don't get grossed out, rubbed a little raw onion on our bare skin and it worked. Stinky but reef friendly!)

Have fun!!!

(And if it helps...I'm still going to get my sis down there sometime this Fall. I guess the big group thing isn't going to work out like we were hoping for.)
Glad you enjoyed your trip. It is hard to beleive that a Small town like Akumal can have 3 dive operators plus one more on the beach a quarter mile away.
Glad to hear that you had a good time.
Did you have a chance to snorkle in Yal-ku Lagoon while you were in Akumal. We had a blast and liked it better than that commercial place (Xcel-ha).
Where did you stay while you were down there? I just got back from there. We stayed at Vista Del Mar. The ocean diving there is very nice. We made a day, and night, diving it.

BTW, you can read about my adventures in the Tek Trip report section.

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