Think how much time would be saved by not having to find that one bad crimp? I first learned to crimp back in '74 when I worked in a shop that converted 6V positive earth to 12V negative ground. Boss would reach in, grab my wires and give a good pull. Then I worked in a chemistry lab where I had to crimp small stuff. NASA engineer taught me a lot and I went from barrels to double Bs.
I did a lot of non-insulated barrels for automotive, but when I rewired a boat in the Keys, I was reintroduced to the open U or double Bs. I just never found them in butt connectors. Now I've done a lot of small crimps for my 3D printers and happened on the untinned version. Tinning reduces verdigris, so I would rather pay more now, than have to hunt down a faulty terminal later.
I wonder if there's a way to easily tin crimps?