i occassionally lurk, and rarely post, at this site.
Ummm, how about this was your
You were more accurate the first time when you said "uproar" and extremely misguided in your understanding of my position and the attention this situation warrants...
while i understand you pride yourself on a "no-spam" policy...
This is Not a matter of "pride", but rather one of credibility and truthfulness.
Obviously you do not understand the [red]
seriousness[/red] of your slanderous accusations!
...this issue has really been given far more attention than it warrants
Please, next time you're lurking around please read
Then think about how you would feel if someone attacked your families livelihood! I consult for, and am involved in, many different large Corporate firms and one of my areas of specialty is in Network Security which includes issues such as SPAM.
All to often I feel like the "Last Boy scout" trying to build a respectable resources for divers and spending my time and money (not to mention the input from all the others that help) creating what may seem impossible - A united community, haven or shelter for Scuba Divers online.
The last thing I need or want is someone that has no respect towards the efforts of the many that come here and shoots off their lips with not a care in the world as to what damage it can do!
...and i will not be able to reply to further messages on this trivial issue.
"will not be
ABLE to" ... ??? ... Or just
WONT reply ???
Since your post I have received 4 or 5 emails within 10 to 15 minutes of your post pointing out something else... On that Other board you said -
i keep getting e-mail spam from them (at least it has their header on it). i guess solicitations is the wrong word. spam is more accurate.
... and then HERE you said ...[/red]
i have not received anything since with the name of this board on it.
Well, which is it? Or are you admitting you were
Trying to damage the name of this board and the reputation of those that participate here?
the response was not intended to malign this board in any way
Wow, you sure had a lot of people here fooled!
it was just a statement of the contents of my mailbox.
Well, we all know that isn't true! Why is that you ask?
i only opened and did not read
Hmmm, well which is it? And you wonder why the issue of SPAM causes such an uproar?!
This server has
NO POP3 accounts set up for this Domain name. The ONLY thing that will EVER send out an email with this sites domain name on it is this FORUMS script! And last time I checked, PHP and mySQL did not take over the server and decide to start spamming people to try and buy stock in a Redhat Linux Casino or visit the "Hot Teen Unix Kernel" website!
The mail could have ONLY been one of a few things...
- Someone replied to one of your "rare post" that you've never made
- You or Someone else tried getting your password or wanted to use your handle
- Someone from ON this board wanted to talk to you and emailed or "pm'd" you from within the forum system.
- or you were the ONLY one on this site that has ever got one of the GLOBAL Admin Announcements that we never sent!
Which all of this sure looks funny when you consider that you are the
ONLY ONE of the 845 current members that have ever received this mysterious email that you didn't read.
844 - vs - 1 ... That should answer any questions on why the "Uproar"...