Oh, dear. There is nothing in the GUE configuration that doesn't have a reason behind it.
The difference between a reason and a rationalization is sometimes very thin.
After more than 15 years of reading "reasons" why X is done in a particular way, I can safely say that with respect to gear, the position and configuration has remained absolutely stable... but the reasons given for it have not.
Your reason, for example, for why the compass goes where it goes, is not what JJ wrote. It's not what was discussed in 1995 ... but .. yeah... the compass has to go *somewhere* so choices need to be made and reasons need to be given (or invented) for why it is there and no where else. During the DIR wars, the reasons had to be very "weighty" because the system needed to be absolutely water-tight. There was a LOT of resistance to DIR and if it had a future then *everything* needed to be important...somehow...It was the nature of the DIR wars.
But the fact is, things were not always that rock-solid. I have the distinct impression, for example, that the compass goes left because the guy who invented the system was right handed. Same with the reason why stages go on the left instead of the right, or split, which was the norm in IANTD at the time.
I know this is kind of like swearing in the church but it's not. The tenant that standardization was paramount meant that some choices needed to be made and then defended... but you need better reasons than, "I'm right handed" if you want to convince everybody.... and hence the line between reasons and rationalizations became blurred.
Nobody should ever say, "You do it because it's what you do."
In practice, this is the reality. I know you don't like to hear it, Lynne, but the fact is that if you don't understand the reason given that people will explain it but if you don't agree with the reason given that you don't have a choice.