Why so serious?

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algal bloom

Reaction score
Coconut Creek, FL
It is amazing to me how people (not Scubaboard members, of course) down here, who were in "fear for you life" or "help your fellow man" mode just a few days ago, so quickly go back into their "screw you! I'm the only one that matters" mode. For such a fun place to live, people seem too serious. Of course, the closer you head to A1A, the less serious people seem to be. Maybe they're all just ticked because they haven't gone diving lately. I know I need to go. I just want to say to people at the office and on the road, "Be happy, mon! We live in Florida." AND "We still be standing!"

Sorry, just a little rant.

Rant all you want... not enough gratitude and way too much animosity for me! My block is holding together, but that's normal for us! :D
I totally agree with you Nate! But, people are people. I think sometimes we all get a little wound up when life doesn't go our way. I know I need a good dive as well. Chris and I weathered the storm in Key West, but the diving was crappy.
algal bloom:
It is amazing to me how people (not Scubaboard members, of course) down here, who were in "fear for you life" or "help your fellow man" mode just a few days ago, so quickly go back into their "screw you! I'm the only one that matters" mode.....

You got that right. Trying to get some more supplies is like sticking your hand in a hungry, p-offed dog's cage.
I mean even during the time of year when storms aren't around. Maybe I'm just not agressive enough. I do think that it directly correlates with how often people go to the ocean. :wink: It amazes me how many people I meet down here who say, "I never go to the beach." or "I haven't been since I was a kid." I think that explains the uptight-ness. Oh yeah, and that whole culture clash thing too.
algal bloom:
I mean even during the time of year when storms aren't around...

That's what I meant too, heh...

Yesterday I was doing some non-Ivan related stuff that should have took maybe a half hour. 2 and a half hours later I was done. I was pretty frustrated, but as I looked at the beach, I forgot all my worries.

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