It's amazing.
The companies and retailers here I would argue could DIRECTLY attribute a significant portion of their sales, and good word passed about their products directly from Scubaboard.
I said when I got back into SCUBA last fall, that I was going to concentrate on buying top notch gear I didn't care WHO'S name was on it. Large or small company, I was interested in service and quality.
Companies local to me:
Dive Rite - Own one of their wings, 2 of their regs, one of their spools
Halcyon - Own their BC
Salvo - Numerous sales of smaller items, recommend regularly
Zeagle - Formerly owned one of their BCs, will buy regs for stage/deco bottles.
People who post directly on Scubaboard
USIA - Currently dealer for their drysuits
Zeagle - Mentioned previously
Apollo - Not currently offering a product I need. But quality company
DSS - Own one of their Wings, one of their spools
ScubaToys - Haven't purchased from Larry, but send business there often.
Manta - Will own one of their lights and likely SMB this fall
Oceanic - Own one of their regs (Delta)
Dive Sports - Bought Suunto Vyper from them
This is direct impact. Of the nearly $2500 I've spent on gear in the past 8 months, probably 95% has come from either local manufacturers, stores, or scubaboard merchants.
Kudos to all of you for the magnificent support you give the diving community. My purchasing decisions and those of most of my friends in diving, continues to be based on how these companies do business, treat customers, and offer support.
Customers ARE paying attention.