Why forearm dumps?

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Uncle Pug once bubbled...
Phil I keep as much gas out of my suit as will go with the adjustable valve all the way open... (if I wanted to keep some more gas in I would adjust the valve a few clicks closed.)
Ditto - I only vent drysuit air on ascent. Otherwise the suit is at a comfortable squeeze, and I use my wing for buoyancy.

Scubaroo once bubbled...
Ditto - I only vent drysuit air on ascent. Otherwise the suit is at a comfortable squeeze, and I use my wing for buoyancy.


I do also.

But, at depth you will have gas in your suit to offset squeeze. It seems to me that, if you have a forearm dump, and you raise your left arm to your tank valve, you will loose air from your suit and will have to compensate by adding to your wing.

Am I missing something?

If there is a squeeze, there is little air to come out of the suit... I'm hard pressed to *dump* enough air from the existing shoulder cump to make the squeeze uncomfortable - I have to descend further to make the suit uncomfortable - so I have very little dumpable air anyway - I would assume that the forearm dump (though non-adjustable) would not be capable of dumping more air than the shoulder dump at it's maximum dump setting? So if I fitted a forearm dump, "accidently" dumping air shouldn't be a concern - there isn't enough to dump.

Uncle Pug - you use one of these things - is it a problem? I'm only guessing based on the shoulder dump experience and what was recommended to me by a diver who uses one.
Scubaroo once bubbled...
If there is a squeeze, there is little air to come out of the suit... I'm hard pressed to *dump* enough air from the existing shoulder cump to make the squeeze uncomfortable - I have to descend further to make the suit uncomfortable - so I have very little dumpable air anyway - I would assume that the forearm dump (though non-adjustable) would not be capable of dumping more air than the shoulder dump at it's maximum dump setting? So if I fitted a forearm dump, "accidently" dumping air shouldn't be a concern - there isn't enough to dump.

Uncle Pug - you use one of these things - is it a problem? I'm only guessing based on the shoulder dump experience and what was recommended to me by a diver who uses one.

I also agree with scubaroo that i dont think i could dump enough air at depth to cause an uncomfortable squeeze with my shoulder dump especially considering i wear a bare ct-200 undergarment for diving in 55 deg water.I need to get some nice undies like pug so i can get some more flexibility to reach my valves when i goto doubles someday.

I also have the same problem of my BP harness catching on the dumpvalve making it a pain to get on sometimes.Thats just a small minor thing.

I will probably send in my drysuit after the new year to have the valve relocated to my forearm.

Scubaroo are you planning on going to a forearm dumpvalve and if you are where are you planning on having it done.Ill probably have drysuit repair do mine.Just curious if you found any place closer.
lal7176 once bubbled...
Scubaroo are you planning on going to a forearm dumpvalve and if you are where are you planning on having it done.Ill probably have drysuit repair do mine.Just curious if you found any place closer.
Not planning to on this suit (at this stage). At least not yet. Remember it's the $550 wondersuit. On my next suit I will spend the money.
I'm mostly doing shore dives with very graduate ascents following the seabed. Under those circumstances it's really easy just to raise you shoulder a bit to dump air. Since I'm finning with my arms along the body (streamlining and all that jazz :D ) it would be more of a bother with a forearm dump.
When I bought my Scubapro suit there was a forearm dump valve.

It's a pain since the computer needs to go on my right arm, and it's a problem when putting the BCD on.

Since when I dive dry it's always from the shore, I never dump the suit and the BCD at the same time, it's a gradual process on the way out.
I have never dove a forearm dump but i got that option on my new suit.

Yeah it was a gamble never having dove a drysuit with a forearm dump. I dont mind the shoulder dump on my older suit i just think its not in the best spot.

I would perfer it on my forearm because it will make donning my suit easier. My harness didnt like to slide on my vulcanixed rubber suit and this made it annoying when i was suiting up.

Also, if im horizontal in the water and i want to dump from my suit i have to go near virtical to get air flow out that dump. On the forearm i will just need to raise am arm.

Small things, but i figured what the heck, im going to try it on my new suit. DUI didnt charge any extra to put the dump where i wanted it. had i ordered a stock suit i would have been charged.


if it drives my crazy i will e bay and let you all know. ( dont hold your breath though :))

suit arival date is the last week in Jan. :(

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