Why do you Lie?

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Maybe "grab" was a poor choice in words....how about gently take. I did not mean to imply an assault but a lot more subtle approach. Odds are I will remove it and look without you ever knowing it. If me gently checking your gauge for myself ends out buddy team, so be it but at least I know I am not going to have to deal with a panicked diver who is OOA.

You are confusing "attitude" with confidence and situational awareness.

I doubt you would be able to pull my datamask off and look at it without me noticing.:D
Not off of me he wouldn't. And not off of any diver I'd want to be with. If someone is so distract that they a) Can't hear another reg 18 inches away, b) Can't feel someone unclippping their crap, and c) Can't feel the bouancy difference when their deco bottle goes away then they really do not belong in the water.

In the cases where I have seen it happen, the divers involved are already pretty highly skilled technical divers going for higher certifications. They are not just swimming along--they are engaged in solving an instructor-provided problem. They all know the instructor is liable to do it at some point, and so far no one has noticed it yet.

The practice started during IDC's for the agency of which I speak. The instructors in the program had their deco bottles taken from them with equal ease.
VT3s allow you to program your buddy's pressure sensor. You can peek without them ever knowing.

First you would need the sending unit number. Then you would need to program it into your VT3. If you do that without talking to me about it, it would piss me off. If you asked I would more than likely give you the unit number and see how you did it on the VT3 for future reference. More than likely be happy that someone else was aware of my gas supply. However if you take my mask off or imply I am lying to you when I give you my numbers you and I will part company, never to dive together again.
The first thing I thought of when I saw 45 minutes at 80 feet, wow that's a pretty aggressive dive with an insta buddy, especially touching into deco. That's past the ndl on navy tables. You were diving air right? Or was there some other mix, you didn't say.
If I was doing that dive I'd be doing a series stops at least at 30 20 and 10 regardless of mix. An idiot who lies about gas consumtion is going to kind of blow that plan. We'd be having words if it was me.
I think I'd bring my own buddy if doing those profiles (sounds like you did but it didn't work out), or else thoroughly interview the insta buddy before a dive like that and get all the details nailed down including showing guages or air supply often. If he got weird about it like his proficiency was in question or his ego got bruised then I'd ask the DM to team me up with someone else. Hey man it's your well being we're talking about here. Your personal safety is pretty important don't you think.

But besides all that, it sounds like you had a great time. I would give anything to be able to go there and dive warm water. Beats the freezing ass murk I dive in any day even if there are a few bad IB's out there.
We were diving the Palancar Caves. 32%. Plan was to descend to 80' then work our way up. And yeah, I would really like to have been diving with my daughter. We did do punta sur together, but she just couldnt shake her sinus cold when we did the PC. I made sure he was not my buddy on subsequent dives, many of which were great.

From my DC. My max depth was 88' Actual F02 was 31%. Average depth was 66'. My SAC rate was .52. Predive the DM did discuss much of what we were planning. We even agreed that since he thought I would run low on air first, he would follow me through the swim through's. We also both had DC so talked about ascending a bit if it looked like we burning through our gas a little too quick. With everyone else I dived with on 18 dives, things were great. It just bugged me that he appeared to stretch the truth for his ego over safety.
Two cent time:

1. This is why I dive solo
2. I am not carrying your "reserve air", at worst it might be your "emergency air"
3. Touch my gear, draw back a bloody stump
4. Idiots who brag about using the "least air" or getting back on the boat with "more in their tanks" are arsehats. Really, you like wasting money and dive time? Brilliant. It's like listening to two junkies argue about who is "less of an addict", the entire discussion makes no sense.
5. You want "reserve or emergency" air, get a pony bottle, carry it yourself.
6. Most instabuddies DO suck. Full stop, end of discussion.
7. Don't like my opinion, refer to # 1. Solo diving 20 years plus. Solo diving WILL make you a better, self reliant, safer diver.
After diving all over the world, I am ashamed to say that American males (me being in that group) are the most constantly competitive about diving. Usually it’s a male bravado thing about air consumption. Being a rather fit, handsome, tall, intelligent male specimen, I have had MANY other men “challenge” me in regards to diving….this is foolish and unnecessary. Diving is a recreational activity, not a challenging sport. I counterbalance this when diving with insta buddies by stating that I will ALWAYS end a dive when my gauge reads the agreed upon pressure (50-70 bar depending on situation) and I appreciate everyone in the group doing the same. I take away the “challenge” by repeating the old saying “There are crazy divers and old divers but there are no crazy old divers”. I also insist on a reply other than OK when asking about gas. If all else fails, I snatch their gauge for a look during the dive and usually decline any further dives with them.
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However if you take my mask off or imply I am lying to you when I give you my numbers you and I will part company, never to dive together again.
Given the overly aggressive/possessive attitude, I don't know that we would ever be buddies in the first place. Please don't take this the wrong way, but you don't sound like much fun to dive with. The guy with the bloody stump comment is even WORSE. I might not get on his boat to begin with. Life is too stinking short to waste it dealing with such naked aggression marked by anti social comments.
I believe you are correct. I would venture to say that the problem the OP had with his buddy will never happen with a female buddy. They usually use a lot less gas anyway, and they don't have a fragile male ego to nurture (unless it's their husband's :wink:).

hmmm, women don't have egos...just love learnin' more new stuff on SB.

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