Diving schools 40 years ago were obviously very different from today's ones. Since I was not even alive, I cannot have a clear view of what was happening at that time. But it doesn't surprise me that they were teaching these things; there was obviously way less knowledge than today about the underwater world, physiology, gas management, dive planning, etc. So it makes sense to me that they were teaching how to save people in certain scenarios that today we consider a bit (a lot?) extreme
BSAC dive planning in the club I was in was pretty important. We had dives all written out on a white board with depths, times, deco stops and times, who was whose dive buddy, who was leading the dive, keeping track of all the divers in the team so you did head counts during the dive to know where people were. It's not like most padi centers where the dive briefing is follow the guide the dive depth is such and such, we are going in this direction off the boat and don't exceed NDL and enjoy yourselves.
Yeah perhaps you are correct. I was also taught to keep my BCD bladder clean and using special solutions that kill bacteria. Why you may ask? Well you see as a last resort if you need to save your self in an out of air situation, we were taught that you could re-breathe the air from your BCD. This would allow you to get to another diver for help or to get to the surface. Now this is a last resort extreme emergency and not one that is practiced in real life. We were also taught how to manually clear water from the inflator hose by sucking it out as well. I've seen divers suck dry their BCD and wings to pack them into their travel bags.
Now the reason this is not taught is that many agencies say you should never be in that situation but it has happened to divers on rebreathers that had failures, to regular divers and technical divers on OC. Better to risk a lung infection where you can get that cured than to drown, where there are far less opportunities for to recover from that. Also my BSAC instructor was a commercial diver instructor trainer as well so he definitely wanted people to be able to self rescue where ever possible. His theory was how can you rescue anyone else if you can't even rescue yourself. Part of our training was to be blindfolded without a mask and have to take our gear off and put it back on.