certified in 1976
To say that it is my generation being inside all the time and doing things online is untrue... Shits expensive!
We have school to pay for which depending on what you do an be anywhere from 5000 or more a semester and that doesn't include books (community college for me), our insurance rates are crazy, I have a chip in my car that tells the insurance company how I drive just so I can get a discount (which I succeed and got 22% out of a possible 25), gas isn't cheap right now, and to function in society now we have to have cell phones so there is another bill, if we want to live on our own there is rent or mortgages on top of it all.
I am not saying you older guys had it easier, but you had more financial breaks in my eyes. There are less full time jobs for millennial. A lot of the time you have to have a full education to get one. Many of us work part time jobs at minimum wage, and that goes straight to paying for school.
I am really fortunate to have always had a full time job and one for the government! I went to trades school and am studying to write my C of Q in electrical. I own my car fully and still live at home but am saving to buy a home. A lot of people my age haven't had as much luck as I am fortunate to have had so far.
So to say that the outdoor sports are having lacking numbers because of laziness is untrue, we are just trying to keep our head above water until the baby boomers die off and retire. It doesn't help when we start our adult lives in a recession.
I agree 100% and I'm 65 this year. It amazes me how totally clued out some of my fellow boomers are when it comes to understanding how much harder it is for kids now than it was 40 yrs ago.