I wrote this a while ago in full and obvious sarcasm. I am just writing to report that on a thread on FaceBook, roughly this same thing was said by a GUE diver in something closer to earnestness.
In a comment to a post someone made attacking PADI, the GUE diver said that the lowliest rec diver to pass GUE Fundamentals was a superior diver to any instructor PADI had ever produced.
This would, of course, raise an interesting question for a PADI instructor like Jarrod Jablonski, founder and owner of GUE. What is he to think of the PADI instructors he employs teaching PADI technical diving classes at his
Extreme Exposure store in Florida? Are the new Fundamentals graduates really superior to the technical instructors he employs? I wonder, too, about my friend, a PADI instructor who also teaches GUE Fundamentals. Does he ever hesitate to pass a Fundamentals student, knowing that if he does, that diver will automatically be superior to him in skills?
Of course, that is absurd, but, as I said, the person who wrote it was semi-serious. Perhaps that is at least in part an answer to the question of this thread. Maybe people want to know what leads people to litter social media with such comments.