scuberd:Let me preface this by saying I have no tech experience, but I am now acquiring my gear and diving with it before getting into technical diving.
My question is this: I just bought a Suunto vyper, and already have a cobra. Would the cobra be a good substitute for an analog SPG?
I know that it is as prone to failure as any electronic device, but it is far more accurate than a traditional SPG, and it is a redundant depth gauge and timing device without adding another piece of equipment.
Is this configuration appropriate for tech (i.e. extended range and mixed gas)?
Also is it DIR? why or why not?
here is info on the comps.
My tech instructor is happy for you to use a AI computer in beginning tech classes as long as you have a mechanical spg hooked up too

If you want DIR answers, you may want to repost this in the DIR forum.