Who's Diving where on New Years?

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Cave Diver

Scuba Instructor
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Looks like TxDeepDiver, another buddy and myself are going to make it to CSSP for their polar bear dive on Jan 1 unless something goes terribly wrong.

Who else plans on doing a New Years dive and where?
Maybe I should rent a tank and wetsuit, and dress up for the New Year's Eve party...

"I'm not narc'd, I'm just drunk..."

A group of us always try to bring in the New Year underwater. We'll be in the Ft. Lauderdale area.
Several of the Southern Swampers will be meeting at Twin Lakes New Years Day. Since we don't have any polar bears down here in the south, this is our first annual Chilly Armadillo Dip!
I'll be at CSSP bright and early, probably around 8:30-9:00, let me know about what time you guys are planning on getting there and I'll plan on the same. I wanna go do a wall dive on the north side. Every time I go I always manage not to get over there..
We shoulda' made T-shirts!.... hehe Looks like Mother Nature is going to be nice to us with temps in the mid/upper 60s. See all you Southern Swampsters tomorrow!

CaveDiver..... you do know CSSP will close at noon? Gonna have to get up pretty early to get in a dive after that 4 hour drive. BTW, drive (and dive) safe, and Have a Happy New Year!
scubatexastony once bubbled...
CaveDiver..... you do know CSSP will close at noon? Gonna have to get up pretty early to get in a dive after that 4 hour drive. BTW, drive (and dive) safe, and Have a Happy New Year!

Yup, I know. Chances are that I will get off of work tonite, come home, get all my gear together, get ready, go to a new years eve party, then end up leaving there around 3 a.m. and heading out towards Dallas. That should give us time to stop for breakfast prior to arriving at CSSP for 8 a.m.

Gonna be one longgggg day for me....

And just for the record... I don't drink, the party is just kind of a formality.

Poseidon-- Looks like I am going to borrow my mothers suburban in case any of our group wants to sleep on the way up since we are leaving so early.

It's an '89 model, dark blue with aluminum running boards. If everything goes accoring to plan, we should be there by 8 or 8:30. I will be the tall one driving. C'mon over and introduce yourself.
Ron Carlisle & a few folks will be diving at High Noon at Mansfield Park. A few of teh Central Swampers have indicated interest and we may attract a few others from the shop - - but as the water temp and the air temp are both none too high - It'll be interesting to see who shows!
Well, the suburban is all loaded with dive gear, and the tanked filled with gas. Gonna be three of us heading out from the Beaumont area to make the CSSP Polar Bear dive tomorrow. Hope we get a chance to meet some of you guys n gals there.

Happy New Year everyone!

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