who would win if?

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Give me a break! Picard would kick Kirk's butt up and down the Holodeck. Did you see Picard at the end of First Contact??? Rriow.

Picard or... (I must think of a worthy adversary here, since if Picard loses to something stupid I won't be happy).... or Connor MacLeod?
the headless Picard falls to the floor in a thump.

I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod!

The Highlander or Brave Heart
The Highlander or Brave Heart

tha' wee bit girly man Brave Heart is certain ta' lose, lad, with or
withou' 'is army...

The Highlander or the Right Honorable Horation Lord Nelson?
Lord Nelson, anybody with a title that long would be hard to beat. His title in full was Vice Admiral of the White Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson of the Nile, Baron Nelson of the Nile, K.B.. In addition to these British titles he was also Duke of Bronte in the nobility of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit, and a Knight of the Ottoman Empire's Order of the Crescent.

Lord Nelson or George Patton?
Lord Nelson, anybody with a title that long would be hard to beat. His title in full was Vice Admiral of the White Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson of the Nile, Baron Nelson of the Nile, K.B.. In addition to these British titles he was also Duke of Bronte in the nobility of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, Knight of the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Ferdinand and of Merit, and a Knight of the Ottoman Empire's Order of the Crescent.

Lord Nelson or George Patton?
I'm sorry, I have to...

Connor MacLeod, the Highlander, rises from the ground and pierces the heart of Vice Admiral of the White Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson of the Nile, Baron Nelson of the Nile, K.B. with his katana. The Lord Nelson is slain.

The Highlander or The Godfather?
Anyone crazy enough to order a horses head put in a bed has got my vote!

The Godfather or Keyser Soze (The Usual Suspects)?
kaiser wilhelm II was a moron who didn't know better than to listen to Hindenburg.
it took 16 years, but he managed to get World War I started with his policies.

kaiser soze or Heinz Guderian?
Easy one ~ Heinz Guderian, he had like 50 gazillion Army tanks to do with whatever he wanted.

Heinz Guderian or a bottle of Heinz Ketchup
Lil' Irish Temper:
Heinz Guderian or a bottle of Heinz Ketchup


dang that's a tough one...


even *i* can beat up Guderian easy

a bottle of Heinz Ketchup or Hans Christian Andersen?

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