Who or What Inspired You to Dive?

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Wien, Österreich
Hey There Folks,
With all the threads about Books, and Greatest Divers, I thought I would pose this question. What got you into Diving?
For me it was seeing those Cousteau shows when I was a little kid in the seventies.
And then pretending with a snorkel and mask in my local swimming hole.
Then I became like most of us interested in Marine Biology, I have a cousin that is a MB. And if Music would have never stolen my heart I would have pursued Marine Biology or Oceanography. In some ways getting certified and get addicted and consumed with Diving, Marine Life, Reading about these subjects is one way of
re-connecting with my earliest dreams and also discovering something totally connected to my life now.
I am curious for all of you how did it happen for you?
Very simple to answer: I love the nature and I have always wanted to scuba dive ever since I was young. All my life, I feel that the nature is the most wonderful thing to interact with. In water, it's another world of nature. So I took a scuba course recently and became addicted with it!
That's funny molksmith, my answer is very similar. As a kid I was going to be a marine biologist but then I went into theatre instead.

What really did it though? I wanted to do a shark dive. And seven months after my cert, I did. You can see the report here. http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?t=76701

And now I'm getting to u/w photography. love it!
Well Nay,
Cheers to reconnecting with childhood dreams and also cheers to the performing arts as well!!!
I always had the shark thing as well and when I finally dove with them it was one of the more memorable experiences of my life...
I am hooked now!!!
it was something to do after the snowboarding season was over.

i had been subconsciously prepped by things like coustaeu, and seeing Hitler's Lost Sub on PBS and stuff, but none of that inspired me to take a BOW course. it wasn't until long after BOW that i started to realize why i liked diving.
For me it all started in Grand Cayman this past September.

My wife and I were laying by the pool enjoing the sun when a guy from the on-site dive shop came around saying that he was going to have dive equipment available at the shallow end of the pool if anybody wanted to try it out. At first I wasn't all that interested, but after watching him walk around the pool for about 15 minutes without any takers I felt sorry for him and decided to bail him out. I put on a BC & Mask and he very quickly described how to use the Regulator and BC and then let me drop down to my knees in about 4 feet of water. Since nobody else was coming around, we continued to talk and he described more and more. Eventually I had on fins and was swimming around the bottom of the pool.

Later that afternoon I enrolled in a "Resort" course and ended up doing a total of three dives that trip. Needless to say I got hooked...

We returned to "Civilization" and I immediately enrolled in an OW course, then an AOW course, and now I am planning on talking a Resue course this spring/summer.
Myopia :D

The fishies were too far away to see when I snorkeled!
G.I. Joe.
When I was 4 I thought the suits looked cool
A combination of "Sea Hunt" and the Cousteau shows when I was a kid. Couldn't WAIT to be old enough to take the class!!
I literally learned to swim before I could walk and was a big time competitive swimmer until I was 18. During that time, I had a fantasy of being able to breath underwater, so was determined to be able to do that one day. Later, snorkeling just frustrated me since I couldn't stay underwater and look at all the cool stuff, and finally just took the plunge (literally) and got certified.

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