White's vs. DUI trilams

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Saugus, MA
These two brands are available from 2 LDS near me. The DUI is more than the White's. Can anyone tell me the differences between them? Pros or cons?
I bought a whites suit yesterday. I wasn't comparing with the DUI but with the Bare. Although both fit well, I found the whites to be a little less constraining. It is also easier to put on cause it has zippers on the legs and on the arms. The suit I chose is a 7mm and I only jumped in the pool so far. I swam around for a few minutes over and under the water and when I got out I was still dry underneath. I am goig diving this weekend, if you can wait I'll let you know how it goes. By the way, what are you looking at paying for these suits and what type of suits are they 5mm, 7mm ???
I should have clarified - I already have 2 wetsuits, both 7mil 2-piece. I'm looking to get into a Trilaminate drysuit, but don't know the differences between the brands. I would like to try diving warm & dry for a change, but would like to be able to do this for around $1000.
Under $1000 will not get you a DUI unless your magical SCUBA Fairy has something up her sleave. :( and if she does, send her my way ok!

So how close to $1000 can I stay and still get a DUI suit? If it's much more than $1000, then add the cost of decent undergarments, it seems like a whole lot of money. Rodale's listed one of them for under $1000 ( a DUI ) so I'm not making this up. However, if I do get a visit from the scuba fairy, I'll be sure to let everyone know.

Hello jobowker, I'll attempt to answer your question for you:

After driving down to DUI last week and talking to Dick Long, I've decided to go with a DUI drysuit as well. They are the industry leaders in drysuit technology and they are very well repected in the industry. Their prices are fair for the quality of the suit. You get what you pay for in this field.

Here's a quick breakdown of DUI's retail Drysuit prices:
  • $2198 CF200X
  • $1798 CF200SE
  • $1998 CLx450
  • $1958 FLX5050
  • $1698 TLS350
  • $998 TLS350SE
  • $998 CNSE
The SE designation stands for Shoulder Entry, and as you can see, it's ususally a lot less money. Most of the above is available as a Special Production as well which means it's made to order, and that will add $400 to the prices as well. One other option is to get a Signature series version of the suit which adds $200 more but adds Zippered pockets, a zippered pocket with a knife sheath, Kevlar knee pads and a warm neck hood.

So as you can see, you can get two different DUI drysuits for under a grand... just not too far under a grand. Your LDS will sometimes have specials on the suits, and when all else fails sometimes DUI has some on a rack that were ordered and never picked up or abandoned some other way. For more info on the suits feel free to ask me or visit their Website

Sea you in the Deep Blue!

Thankyou all for your input so far. I think the TLS350se may be the one for me. About the coldest I dive is about 38F, (done in a 7mil wetsuit - I was chilly) and the warmest is about 60 at the surface. The next question is what undergarments to get?
It's always best to have several undergarments to wear throughout the year. The 400G-Series Thinsulate ($478) should be perfect for water that's 40-50 degrees. The water around here (southern California) is about 55-65 so the 200G is my garment of choice. If it gets any warmer you could always use some sweat pants and a sweat-shirt.

The TLS350SE that you like can include some divewear. You can choose from a single layer actionwear jumpsuit($1118) or a double layer actionwear jacket and pants($1238). That should get you started heh!

Happy Diving!

Sea you in the Deep Blue!

I just bought a TLS350 for $1099 from Rex Dive Center in CT. Check out their prices at http://www.rexdivecenter.com. Absolutely the best prices that I you can find anywhere.

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