White Point Sun 11/23

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, S.C.
# of dives
1000 - 2499
Well let's try this again, is anyone for next Sun at White Pt.? Hopefully there won't be any fires. High tide is at 6:08 AM so we can meet at 7 AM & catch part of the high tide on the entry but the tide will be halfway out when we exit, that's still better than low tide.

I shall Be their...... John we are going to dive together one of these times...
Ill have Moms Green Car..... No more Geo..... Have to figure out how to put dive gear on a different way. However i will only have one Tank So if some one can bring an extra one in case we do a second dive i would really appreciate it. :)
I'll be watching the swell, surf, and bacteria levels....if all goes as hoped, I'll be there Sunday as well!

Inform us if something does not look right :) Dont want to show up and not dive again lol.
Well my plans have changed we couldn't do a survey at Malaga on Sun vis wasn't good so we're going to try again this Sun the 23th. You're all welcome to join us there.


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