White Point Photos

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Please see the land picture of me above for my response :)

oh i knew what photo your talking about...... :)
Hey Nick, in the picture where you are showing us your favorite digit, is that also representative of the number of times that Erika kicked you in your nuts on our first dive?!!!! Sorry buddy, I could'nt resist. Jamie
Hey Nick, in the picture where you are showing us your favorite digit, is that also representative of the number of times that Erika kicked you in your nuts on our first dive?!!!! Sorry buddy, I could'nt resist. Jamie

:rofl3::rofl3::rofl3: Thats Funny........
Nice work Erika, good shot of "bubble boy" and I do like your fancy pants!
Nahh Jamie, just after that well placed kick my finger was the only thing with an interest in sticking up :)

Hrmmm, Erika did say I was gonna get it when I kept picking on her before the dive.


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Dude you guys are crazy. So Nick had a big bright yellow light, where's Jamie's searchlight? :rofl3: It's gonna be a while till you live that down brutha, especially after finding it twice.


NASA called and asked me if they could borrow it for a while,something about lighting up the universe.
Nice work Erika, good shot of "bubble boy" and I do like your fancy pants!

Thanks...... The dive is not Complete with out the Penguin Pants :) I tried fuzzy pants but then they all asked where the penguin pants where......

Nahh Jamie, just after that well placed kick my finger was the only thing with an interest in sticking up :)

Hrmmm, Erika did say I was gonna get it when I kept picking on her before the dive.


Posted via Mobile Device

:rofl3: you guys are funny.....

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