Which science fiction character are you?

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I'm Galadriel...works for me :)

Same here!! I guess I should be painting my toe nails instead of being here. Does this mean that I can wear make up? :11:
er... i don't think Galadriel paints her toes or wears make up... does she?
er... i don't think Galadriel paints her toes or wears make up... does she?
From what i have seen of the films, i think it is a more earthy apprearance, as nature intended, except done like that with make-up for the film of course - artistic license.

So obviously i am not alone in this tree-hugger, hippie chick alter-ego - great we are all pointy eared freaks (not Spock ok, for all those Kirks out there - although i do a pretty mean death grip - just right around the throat not on the shoulder!) ;)
Excellent little series those core 6 books were!

Raistlin is a character from the Dragonlance Saga. He abandoned the brother who spent his life helping and protecting him to death in order to become the most powerful wizard ever. However, he does help him occasionally in order "pay his debts." And when resurrected, he does help save the world even though he has been stripped of his powers. Because of this some people say that he has a streak of good underneath his power-hungry exterior.

Myself? I just say he plays his cards right for his own advantage.

I am Elrond.
Yep, I can't escape my alter-ego little green man (Yoda).
Capt Kirk


Mad Jack Kidd

Every pirate is a little bit crazy. You, though, are more than just a little bit. Even though you're not always the traditional swaggering gallant, your steadiness and planning make you a fine, reliable pirate. Arr!

Either way I figure I get my own ship!!! Diving in the Carribean or the rings of Saturn...tough choice!!!
Lord Voldemort is the evil villain (redundant?) arch-nemesis to the beloved Harry Potter.

OH OK....does he have evil sharks with lasers on their heads??


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