Originally posted by Wendy
Where is it said that these 2 guys were DIR? Because they had Halcyon wings? Halcyon is a name brand. DIR didn't own up to this? What is that BS, DIR isn't a training agency. Its an approach to diving that encompasses many things.
I was told that my Halcyon Explorer wings would make me DIR! ;-0

I understand what you are saying about rolling off your left post. You say that you will be able to know that you have rolled off your valve if you are breathing off of that post. Great. Now let's look at it this two ways.
1) You, for some strange reason, have run out of backgas. You look to your buddy for his reg. He gives you his long hose, and life is good! You start to exit. However, your buddy's bouyancy ain't the greatest, because he is slightly stressed. You are leaving Devils system, and you are in the lips area. Your buddy nails the ceiling and rolls off the left post. The post that YOU are breathing off of. Once again, you can not breath. Now you think that both of you are out of air. Time for that panic thing to set in. You try to tell your buddy what is going on, but you are becoming more and more stressed as every second ticks off. Now what?
2)Same situation, you are out of air, and your buddy hits the ceiling rolling off his left post. You don't even notice, because you are breathing off the right post. Your buddy knows he hit the ceiling, and checks is left post. He turns it on, all is good.
Ok, let's add to the stress factor. Instead of rolling off the valve, your buddy rolls it off, and breaks it off. Now what? Let's find out.
1)You are breathing his long hose off of his left post. The long hose is now OUT of air. You have no way to exit except breathing off of his short hose. How do you pass the restriction when you can't do single file? Buddy breathing from even 500ft back would be a PITA. Good luck. Stress factor now at 100%.
2)You are breathing his long hose off of his right post. His regulator is now not working. What is he to do? Simple. He grabs his inflator hose, which works because it is on the right post, and breathes off of it. Notice I said breathe, not rebreathe. Stress factor is still higher than normal, but atleast you both have a way to get air.
If this does not change your mind and convince you, then nothing will. Good luck.