Which Dry suit?

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Novato, CA
I'm looking to buy a new drysuit. After spending the weekend in LA at the DIVE SHOW my choices have been narrowed to three- DUI BARE DIVING CONCEPTS.
My independant study of photographers showed most use DUI. When asked why they say it's the best; but they don't know why. The people who do not use DUI say their suit is as good as DUI without the expense.

I'm looking for comfort and longevity. Any feed back?
Well then, You ask a very good question. DUI has a very good reputation.
But the question is: why go dry?
I did my first cold water dive last week, in Monterey, in a 7 mil set up, didn't even feel the cold. Have you ever rented? You might want to go that route first before making a choice on what gear to buy.
btw: Welcome to SB
But the question is: why go dry?
Your kidding right?
No kidding, CA water is bath water. Can't wait to go deep and feel the cold water.
Talk to me goose.
No kidding, CA water is bath water. Can't wait to go deep and feel the cold water.
Talk to me goose.
You know...I'm not sure if I should say Brrrrr or your Nucking Futs :wink:
I was asking myself the same questions uP until the day I spent money on mine. I went to a local shop that is a major dealer for DUI. I went there for the reason that I knew he sold them and DUI was what I narrowed it down to among a few other choices. Hanging on his rental rack was some dry suits that were a minium of 4 years old each. Plus he had his own hanging as well. His happened to be 14 years old. All they suits were tattered and beat uP like one would expect a rental would. He said most have had all the wrist or neck seals replaced but were still in great diving condition. This to me sold me on the idea. Here was proff that these things were going to last me 1000 dives plus.

I've had my suit now for about 2 weeks. I've got 4 dives in it and intend to knock out more in it. I didnt buy the DUI undergarment and instead went with a quality harveys model for $200 less.

The fact that I'm dry at the end of my dives especially for a surface interval makes all the difference in the world. The fact that I can climb out of my dry suit and right into my street clothes to go conqure the rest of the day with out smelling of the Puget Sound makes all the difference.

Personally I'm happy with my custom made DUI. I spent $2500 on a Signature series CLX 50/50; now if I can speed uP the learning curve on diving with it I'll be much happy diver.
I think you will find that many who own DUI did not initially buy DUI. Eventually these divers purchased another drysuit, and another, and then maybe another until they were happy. It just so happens that many of these people decided the final suit they purchased was the one they liked the best. By coincidence, it turns out that happens to be a DUI 350 TLS in many cases. So why waste money when you'll end up with one anyway?

My independant study of photographers showed most use DUI. When asked why they say it's the best; but they don't know why. .
Well then, You ask a very good question. DUI has a very good reputation.
But the question is: why go dry?
I did my first cold water dive last week, in Monterey, in a 7 mil set up, didn't even feel the cold. Have you ever rented? You might want to go that route first before making a choice on what gear to buy.
btw: Welcome to SB

I'v been diving cold water for 33 years and normally don't have a problem with the cold. New girlfriend can't stay down long because of the cold. I thought if we both dive dry we will stay down longer on the second dive.

Our local dive shop does not rent brand name dry suits. I was not impressed with their rentals; but then it wasn't DUI, BARE or DIVING CONSEPTS. DUI is having a testing date in Sept. at Lake tahoe.

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