Where do the deals come from?

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that is a very interesting comparison - I think you are right on the money about a host of marketing ideas...

for those with LDS who are listening - My #1 complaint when I got certified - and I know I share this with a lot of people - was that as soon as I was certified - the shop wanted to sell me gear - but nobody wanted to dive with me... Well - if I'm not diving - why would I buy gear?

It seems to me that a lot of shop LDS owners are what I refer to as "accidental business people" they have no training in business and they have little idea what customer lyalty means or how to create it...

The shop I am slowly becoming affiliated with as a DM is slowly moving towards making the DM's primary responsibility - not ot hang out in class - but to go diving any and all times - and I think this is crucial - how else will the newly certified diver get excited about this and purchase gear?

There are a million things one can do as a shop owner - all it takes is to go out there and start reading the marketing books - it's not like this is something that has not been around for a while.

As far as Mikes dilemma goes - Mike - why don't you purchase the equipment in quantity and split half of it with the guy - then take the other half and pass the saving on to your local customers - heck - drop me a note if this is something of interest - I personally would rather support a LDS - doesn't matter where - than some online consortium dealing in all things outdoors... After all, the LDS owner is likely there because s/he loves diving.

Big T
If the mfgr, has it as a no no, then you have a decision to make. If that is not a no no then I don't see how you can't and stay competitive.

Mike you know how I feel about how the distributors treat the LDS's and the distributors loyalty is to no one, except profits. I did notice however that a lot of manufacturors do provide a list of LDS who carry their gear. It seems as though they have taken a lot of research out of how to find and form a co-op.

I only mention this again as I see how this is unfairly falling on those who started in the small business and created a customer base. The online seller, whether grey market or not is going to take this customer base. Maybe not all of it but enough to hurt those who actually put in the years creating the customers. The price differences are too great for the average person not to want to do some online shopping.

I hope this is not too troubling a problem for you. I have read a lot of your posts and you are an honest and forthright person. The dive industry needs people like you. It is the diver, not the mfgr or distributor who loses when a shop like yours is put to a test in this way. I hope some of the people creating these problems are seeing how we as divers feel about these practices.

No price fixing. Thats a good rule. Should we have any others?
No contractual monthly quota's to remain an "authorized dealer"

You sell what you can sell. The 'Hard Sell' (Which is perpetuated by the Monthy quotas the manf/dist enforce) so many of us have gotten at the LDS on the equpiment makes us want to leave in disgust. A nice soft sell always opens my wallet. You catch more fly's with honey as it were.

as a scuba shop owner up here in canada our dealer agreement prohibits us from selling online or selling to companies who may sell online,even though some of our suppliers sell to them, if we do we loose our dealership but if they do it's tough sh.. for us.
make sure your not being set up!
Originally posted by MikeFerrara
No price fixing. Thats a good rule. Should we have any others?
As obvious as it is unfortunate....
We can't enforce such a rule....
The market is constrained....
By mfgs. coercive forces....
Are you constrained....
By their contract....
In your sales....
Or are you free....
To sell to whomever....
Even a potential reseller....
At a price that is below MSRP....
While remaining a warranty channel?
As has been stated a couple of times, make sure you're not being set up

I have had dealings in this respect (with non-scuba related items) and it comes from both ends. A loyalty check by dealers/suppliers and also a sting-type operation by the police initiated by a complaint from possibly a competitor.

With the gray market being what it is, I would attempt to find out if a trailer load of product has somehow found its way elsewhere than its intended destination.

Just a thought.

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