I was actually thinking of making this a thread question. Basically, if you take the shore diving out of Bonaire, is Bonaire still a special dive location?
We've extended our Bonaire visits to 3 weeks for each of the past 4 years. This year we're shooting for 4 weeks. There's no way we could afford 3 or 4 weeks of boat diving and eating in restaurants anywhere in the Caribbean. So we took the boat diving out of Bonaire (and the steak out of Olive Garden) in 2003 and haven't missed it a bit. Shore diving isn't for everyone, but it's the bomb for us. Frankly I'm glad so many people enjoy boat diving on Bonaire. Otherwise the shore dive sites would be even busier than they already are. The great thing is that Bonaire offers Something Special for shore divers and boat divers alike.
Shore diving aside, here are a few special characteristics that I think are unique to Bonaire:
- Protected and proactively managed Bonaire National Marine Park.
- Environmental awareness and behavior extended to visitors through mandatory orientation and buoyancy check dive.
- Free Nitrox upgrade offered by most dive operations.
- Lionfish population actively culled through joint efforts of private and pro divers, supported by BNMP.
- High quality house reef diving/snorkeling/swimming at every waterfront accommodation.
- Most accommodations include full kitchens.
- Predictably favorable weather and diving conditions year-round.
- Prolific and diverse marine life.
- 86 named and managed dive sites, plus many unnamed that are accessible.
- Clean, safe, delicious tap water and Polar beer.
- Comparatively affordable private oceanfront accommodations.
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