Where did you solo dive today?

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Hah, last week I was in 77 degree F water with stunning 200ft viz and air temps of 28 degrees C, at Easter Island; today I did a dive at Humber Bay, Lake Ontario, 33 degrees F, 15 ft viz, air temp -2 degrees C. Differences make life interesting.
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Almost ended up with an "instabuddy today" but totally confused him with my briefing of what to use in an emergency using my pony with 7' hose but if unsure to take my main second stage on a 7' hose and not my octopus .... English was not his first language!

So after several minutes he could not find his BCD, lot of rental stuff on the boat today so I told him if he can find me at the bottom (15M) he was welcome to join me but I would not be moving very fast.

Found a couple of scorpionfish at the bottom of the mooring and was there for 10 mins photographing them, and no sign of him, as I found out later he buddied with somebody else.

Second dive was a nice solo at 12M, lots of macro stuff.

Both dives over on the east coast of UAE.
The ice is gone and I can finally dive without travelling for hours again.. So I did.
Just a refreshing 60-footish dive in the 4 degree celcius freshwater. Not much to see, but good to be able to dive locally again.
That being said, I think my drysuit shrank during the winter and the water seems to have gained some extra resistance too..
That being said, I think my drysuit shrank during the winter and the water seems to have gained some extra resistance too..

Funny how that happens! I use a Viking, and I find the same thing.

My first cold water dive of the season was last weekend on the wreck of the Arabia in Tobermory. 110'/42 min total time. Water temp was 35 at the top and a little colder at the bottom.

Today, I dove the Forest City while my daughter boat-tended... 155'/40 min total. The water was still only 34 - 35 F depending on depth. Great dive with about 130' visibility.
This year i've done 10 dives so far, a couple as 'remote buddies' with a friend (we go in the same time & dive the same site, but each with their camera as real buddy) and 5 with a buddy, but Friday was my first real solo dive of the season and boy had i missed it!

I did 3 solos over the weekend then the weather blew up so we canned it. now i just have to find the time to play with my photos.

this year my drysuit seems to have a bit more room in it, how does that work?
I have logged 36 dives so far this year, 9 of which have been solo. It is so relaxing not to have anyone around whilst you are trying to focus on a fidgety blenny or goby or shrimp etc. Can't wait for next weekend :)
First dives at Tobermory, Ont for the year. The surface of the Little Tub harbour was like glass and at depth it reflected the Alice B. wreck beautifully, like in a mirror over my head. Worth the drive to get here.

37 degrees F, 46 ft, 58 minutes. Viz was pretty good, too.
Worth the drive to get here.
I think we should start car-pooling with the gas prices. (Besides, I'm looking for someone to help row my boat... ;))
You may be onto something there....
My 1st solo dive of 2011 was a night dive at Fort Whetrill RI. Short shallow dive. Good vis (for RI) lots of activity.

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