I will never forget Cenote Angelita...
Diving cenote Angelita was an experience unlike any other.
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A fish is swimming above the cloud of hydrogen sulfide.
The layer of hydrogen sulfide that crowns cenote Angelita lay at a depth of 90 feet. During the descent I could not clear my ears so I had to hover 10 feet above it until I could equalize. After signalling the dive master that my ears were OK, he asked my buddy and I if we wanted to descend into the cloud. As soon as I signaled him that I was ready a strange feeling of awe and dread found its way into my brain. The excellent visibility rapidly deteriorated and became zero. I held my buddy's hand. We could not see the light of the dive master anymore. As far as we were concerned we could have been descending inside the atmosphere of an unborn planet. After several seconds the water cleared. I recognized dead leaves and tree branches that covered the sloping bottom. We looked around for few minutes with the cloud of hydrogen sulfide hovering above our heads, then it was time to begin our slow ascent to the surface of the cenote
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A fish is swimming above the cloud of hydrogen sulfide.
The layer of hydrogen sulfide that crowns cenote Angelita lay at a depth of 90 feet. During the descent I could not clear my ears so I had to hover 10 feet above it until I could equalize. After signalling the dive master that my ears were OK, he asked my buddy and I if we wanted to descend into the cloud. As soon as I signaled him that I was ready a strange feeling of awe and dread found its way into my brain. The excellent visibility rapidly deteriorated and became zero. I held my buddy's hand. We could not see the light of the dive master anymore. As far as we were concerned we could have been descending inside the atmosphere of an unborn planet. After several seconds the water cleared. I recognized dead leaves and tree branches that covered the sloping bottom. We looked around for few minutes with the cloud of hydrogen sulfide hovering above our heads, then it was time to begin our slow ascent to the surface of the cenote

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